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The storm had been brewing for a few days now. It is at its max, the time is now. In a small wooden house, there was Com and Rogue seeking shelter. They were surrounded by plains and prairies crawling with latex monsters resembling anthropomorphic animals. "So, you really think we should go searching for more guns?" says Com. "Yeah? I mean we only have 1 and obviously a ranged weapon is better than a melee. So yeah, we should go find more, plus I need more ammo for my 1911." Rogue replied kind of snobby like. Com made a noise of disapproval as she knew guns aren't exactly a good idea. "Gather your things, but don't bring too much, cause y'know... Limited resources... I don't know why I am telling you this." Rogue was trying to make small talk as he usually does when he is nervous, but it never really works out. Com grabbed a baseball bat and a katana; Rogue grabbed a machete and his handgun. They walked out the door, through the anti-latex laser grid supplied by the government. Even though they weren't a latex creature it still gave them a funny feeling inside, this wasn't helped by their nervousness. The outdoors had been taken over by a shadow from the clouds, it was strangely calm. They wandered not far from the house, near a lake, when they encountered their first latex being. It was a gray shark with black stripes and a white stomach, standing on its hind legs of course. It was slowly walking towards the lake that was in the direction that Com and Rogue were going. "Uh..." Rogue quietly said, not sure of what to do. He looked back at Com and she shrugged in response. "Wait! Stay here I got an idea!" he said very quickly as he began to run to the shark. Com followed his suggestion and stood there waiting, she had a bad feeling about the whole thing. As Rogue got closer, he slowed his pace and grabbed his machete and swiped at the shark's legs. The machete went deep into the shark's legs but not enough to cut it off, as a result the machete was now stuck. Rogue tugged on the machete but the shark turned around, hiding it from him. "God damnit!" Rogue yelled in anger as he stepped back from the monster in front of him. He looked back at Com for a second then back at the shark and drew his 1911. "Fuck you." he said to himself, immediately firing his gun after. The shark covered its wound in its stomach with its hand and started walking towards Rogue. He fired 2 more times hitting the shark in the shoulder and face. After getting hit in the face it stopped for a second then fell over. Rogue smiled and turned around to Com, "Look, I did it!" he yelled in excitement. Still with the smile on his face he turned around to see that many more sharks were emerging from the lake. The loud noises seemed to attract them. Rogue looked at Com again but this time with a horrified face, looking back at the lake, he pointed his gun at the group of sharks. Panicking, he rapidly fired the rest of his shots into the group of sharks, not even really aiming. The bullets did not seem to affect them, if any of them even hit. He reached down at his pockets, but it was too late, the sharks were too close. One of the sharks sprinted at him and tackled him as he turned around. He was now on the ground facing Com, he stuck out his arms and tried to drag himself away. The rest of the sharks caught up and got on top of Rogue. They started hugging him, in some sort, their arms morphed around his torso and legs. "OH MY GOD!" screamed Rogue as the latex was consuming him. He took one last look at Com, giving her a horrified look as the latex climbed up his face. A few seconds later he was entirely covered, his facial expression changed to a content and almost happy look. Com was filled with shock and froze, her only surviving friend had just been turned. There was no way she would be able to take on a group of sharks, so her only option was to run back to the house. Shedding a single tear, she turned around and ran full speed towards the house. It was not far, but the run felt like an eternity. Running straight through the laser grid, not even noticing the funny feeling, and slamming the door behind her. Com wanted to break down on the floor and cry for hours, but she couldn't. Throwing her baseball bat and katana on the floor as she ran into the other room, stopping at the window and peering into the dark landscape. Her eyes darted around and eventually locked onto the lake. The sharks had retreated and were laying in the water with a happy look on their face. They were obviously enjoying themselves. This made Com even more upset, and she gave in. Slamming her fist into the wood next to her as she let out a peep. She fell to the floor, under the window, covering her tearful eyes with one hand and slamming the floor with the other. A scene developed as a crying girl lay under a window, through the window were happy and playful sharks. Rogue's fight for survival was finally over.

Rogue turns into a Latex SharkWhere stories live. Discover now