Once upon a time there was a big castle called Datsin... A king and 4 children live in the castle. 1st child was named lazaro white or called LAZ... 2nd child was named Hayashi White or called ASHI... 3rd child was named Hayashi Uzuki White or called ASH, Ash and Ashi are twins... 4th or last child was named Amelia White or called Mia... The royal kids are happily playing.
Mia: catch me if you can!! (laughing while running**)
Laz: slow down (worrying while catching her sister**)
Ash: don't run!! (worrying while catching her sister**)
Ashi: omma will be mad.... (worrying while catching her sister**)Suddenly a killer came..
Guards: who are you? What are you doing here?
The killer didnt answerthe guard's question and kill them all... The demon killer found the king in his throne...
King: who are you? Guards!! Guards!! (shouting**)
Killer: no one can hear or help you!! (smirking**)
King: What do you mean?! (ask confuse**)
Killer: I kill all your guards!!
King: What do you want from me??
Killer: REVENGE!! (Shoot the king in the head**)The killer kill the king in one shot of his crossbow, the king died in his own throne and kingdom. The 4 children and maid saw the killer kill the king, the killer saw the 4 childrens hiding behind the door and walk towards them. The kids are scared and ask their maid to run with them. They run away from the castle.