-forty eight-

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Excited chatter filled the hall. The whole cohort of roughly 400 people were seated among the rows of chairs that lined the hall for that very event. Jihye and her friends were seated more towards the front, along with their other classmates.

"In a few minutes, I shall finally escape hell." Alicia clapped like a seal.

"I can't believe we're finally graduating." Soo In sighed in relief and satisfaction.

"I'm so glad we're finally graduating. I don't have to deal with teachers who try to mircromanage me and demean me any chance they get. I don't have to see that stupid maths teacher's face anymore." Alicia cheered.

"I wonder what we should do after this." Soo In said.

"We'll probably have to start applying to universities." In Ha sighed.

"Hey, no talking about that right now."

"But since we're on the topic, will you guys go overseas for studies?" Soo In asked.

"Depends on if I get a scholarship." In Ha said.

"Yeah." Alicia nodded.

"I'm staying no matter what." Jihye said.

"Why? What if you could go to Oxford or Cambridge?" In Ha asked.

"Nah. I want to stay in Seoul. I don't do long-distance relationships. And besides, I'm planning on taking a gap year, if the university allows. Maybe I'll do an internship, who knows?"

"What course will you choose?" Soo In asked.

"I'm not sure. Probably psychiatry."

"Wow. Medicine is something I'm never touching." Alicia shook her head.

"Yeah well, I don't know what else to do." Jihye shrugged.

"Well, whatever paths we choose, let's keep in touch." Soo In said.

"Of course we will. It's not like we're migrating for good. And who knows? Maybe we'll all end up staying, which is highly likely." In Ha said. The other three nodded in agreement.

"Students, may I have your attention please." The principal started speaking at that instance. The hall quieted down immediately.

"In a few minutes, we shall begin with the graduation ceremony. I'm really proud of all of you whom have come so far, and I wish you all the best in the next phase of your life. As you all know, you will be moving on to tertiary education very soon, and I hope you make a wise choice on what you would like to pursue, and do make sure you are passionate about what you are doing, if not..." As the principal continued the first part of her speech, Jihye had received a notification and busied herself with her phone.

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my boyfie🥰
jagi, has the ceremony started?

my sweetheart❤️
just started

or rather, the principal only just started speaking

my boyfie🥰
what time will you be done?

my sweetheart❤️
im not sure

it could take a while


my boyfie🥰

what will you do after the ceremony ends

my sweetheart❤️
go home i guess

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now