CH.1 (the popular girl)

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There she is again... Walking gracefully through the hallway full of students, all eyes on her...


Grace Field highschool is for intelligent and hardworking students, still it's not uncommon to see handsome boys and cute girls.

But this girl, Anna, is gorgeous!

Her silky blonde hair, her ocean blue eyes, her soft smile, her peaceful appearance...

It was so obvious that there's people who are in love with her, people who admire her, or people who envy her for being effortlessly attractive.

And it's not only by looks, Anna is nice with everyone with no exceptions,
Adding to the reasons of her popularity.

She is so perfect like one of these fairy tale princesses!

But are humans supposed to be this perfect?


"Emma! Gilda! Sorry for making you wait" Anna waved to her friends, her usual smile on her face.

"It's alright! Let's get going now!" Emma's voice was full of enthusiasm just like ever.

"Emma, shouldn't we wait for the boys? They still didn't come yet"

Gilda glanced at the gate worriedly, she didn't see the rest of the friend group leave the school building yet.
But Emma was fast to assure her.

"Don't worry Gilda, they already left a few minutes ago, Norman called me and said he and Ray will be helping Don and Nat with studying. You know, their grades have dropped recently"

"Yeah I noticed that, they think being smart is enough to pass tests and ignore their studies, how careless!" Gilda sighed.

On their way home, they sensed someone walking behind them...
Emma prepared herself to fight in case she needed to protect the younger girls.

The person got closer to them, rising their anxiety, they sped up a little before a masculine voice spoke to them...
A familiar one, to their relief.

"Slow down, idiots! I'm not gonna kill you!"

"Ray!" The girls said in union with a smile on their faces.

"Thank god it's you! We thought we're being stalked by a creep! you should have given us a sign!" Emma punched her best friend's shoulder.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"but why aren't you with the others?" Anna asked, curiosity noticeable in her beautiful eyes.

"Well seems like I don't have patience enough to deal with those idiots, especially Norman. So I thought I could walk you girls home"

"Let me guess, you guys weren't studying, instead they were teasing you about that thing~ am I right or am I right?" Emma smirked at Ray. He just glared at her.

"What thing?" The other girls asked.

"Nothing~" Emma said.

"Good, you better keep it a secret or-”

"Or what? You'll beat me?!"

"You know I won't hesitate!"

"Oh mommy I'm so scared~ hahaha!"

"Oh great, I escaped from the first idiot just to be met with the other"

The girls laughed as they continued their walk...

Gilda got home first, then Anna.
Emma went with ray to his house 'cause all the others were there...

"Hello!" Emma yelled as soon as Ray opened the door, she was met with that voice she loves the most.

"Oh hi Emma!"

Emma ran to Norman and hugged him, just like she always does.

"Where are the others?" Ray asked.

"Nat said he had a piano lesson and Don was tired so I let them both go" Norman answered.


Ray's shout was so loud that it echoed throughout the neighborhood.

"What conversation?" Norman faked an innocent expression as Ray just glared at him.

"Oh that conversation~ yeah, I told her, so what?" Norman's innocent expression changed to a smug one, not wasting any little chance to tease his best friend.

The girl in his arms giggled, Ray have always teased them, even now after becoming a couple, now it's their time to revenge.

"Well just to make things clear, I don't have any feelings towards Anna, I just gave my opinion on her look, that's all"

Ray wasn't sure if he was defending himself or convincing himself with his words, but his thoughts were immediately cut when he noticed Emma's shocked expression and Norman's smirk growing wider.

"Wait- the girl Ray likes IS ANNA?!!"

Ray sat down and covered his face with his hand in defeat, he blew his own cover, he should have expected such a trap from Norman.

Norman then explained to Emma how he noticed a slight difference in Ray's attitude whenever he's around Anna, so he simply said "Anna is cute, isn't she?" To which Ray responded "definitely!"

"«Definitely» he said!" Norman said as he was proving his point, then continued.
"And we can take his words jus a few moments ago as a proof!"

"Heh~ well who can blame him? Anna is the most popular girl in our school after all"

Ray was trying to keep his cool and not say anything stupid again, knowing very well those two will use anything against him.


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