𝒗𝒊𝒊. the story of toruk makto

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seventhe story of toruk makto

            JAKE, NEYTIRI AND JUNIPER SOARED GRACEFULLY THROUGH THE SKY. Since Jake had bonded with ikran, the three would go out flying a lot of the time. Usually, the pair would join Juniper in her daily flights with Zuzip, and the Vespera girl would complain most of the time about not flying alone as it was her time to get away—but she never had a problem when it came to Jake and Neytiri.

      Speaking of which, Jake and Juniper's relationship was gradually growing. As the teenager spent more time with Jake, a hole that the girl didn't know she had was beginning to fill ... a hole in which Mateo Vespera once stood. A place where only a father could thrive. Juniper and Neytiri were now training Jake as a duo, teaching him how to become a hunter on the ikran.

      As Jake readied his bow, his shadow painting the mountain rocks next to him, he furrowed his brows at the incoming swift silhouette. He glanced up and gasped. An ikran—much bigger than the ones the three were riding, came catapulting down at them. Jake realised that Juniper flew next to him, not noticing the creature from above. He yelled out in a hurry, "Dive! Juniper!"

      At the sound of her voice being called, she glanced at Jake and looked into his line of sight. Dread filled her veins as she saw the ikran fastly coming down on them, and replicated Jake as they dove into the sky. The three moved quickly into the canary of trees below them, using the size of the creature to their advantage.

      Juniper took note of how close the beast was to Jake's tail, and her breathing became heavy. Thinking of an idea, Zuzip soared back by extending her wings, and as the Sully man glanced back at the ikran right behind him, he watched and shouted out in warning when Zuzip's talons met the side of the larger ikran. The creature roared at the pain of Zuzip's claws ripping into its skin, but due to how big it was in comparison, it flapped its wing against the ikran and its rider, causing them to tumble down at the loss of control.

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