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Growing up you never knew what you wanted to do in life.  It's not that you had no drive, you just didn't know what career path suited you best. 

The idea of working an office job sickened you. So naturally, you dabbled with art subjects in high school, but you weren't much of an artist or musician. You were set on the idea of becoming an actress for a short while, but that career choice wasn't exactly stable. 

And though as a teenager, you had your entire life ahead of you, and so much time to decide. The pressure society puts on young people, impacted you badly. 

You hated how the moment you went into senior year, you were expected to start picking colleges to go to and courses to choose from. 

How the fuck could you pick a college if you didn't know what you wanted to fucking do?! 

How were you expected to pay so much for something you weren't sure you wanted to do?

The whole system is bullshit. 

Everything felt like too much.  You started acting out, doing drugs, drinking, and sneaking out of the house at ungodly hours. 

You skipped school all the time because it caused you to have panic attacks. Even your friends abandoned you the moment you stopped acting like yourself.

Yet despite that, you did manage to graduate. 

But after graduation, that's where you found yourself really stuck. 

You tried to find something that interested you. You snuck into college seminars, to see if anything seemed captivating enough, but nothing did. 

Then, one day, you stumbled across an article, about an ex-FBI undercover agent. You didn't read the whole article, if you did, you wouldn't have made the drastic decision to sign up for classes. 

The only reason you felt enticed by the idea, was because the article mentioned how the ex-agent joined when he was 20. 

You didn't need a bachelor's degree to be an undercover agent. All you needed to do was go through a program set up by the FBI that gave you all the skills you needed. 

Of course, the program wasn't going to be easy, and many of those who complete it aren't offered a job in the FBI. 

But you had nothing to lose. 

The program was much harder than you thought it would be. It was intense.  And it was clear early on that it wasn't for the faint-hearted. 

Within the first week, the class of 100 dropped to 80. 

Those training you, treated you like shit, but that was the whole point. If you couldn't handle someone screaming at you telling you how useless you were, then how would you be able to handle fieldwork? How would you be able to face the real bad guys? 

By the end of the course, there were 12 graduates yet only two were hired at the FBI and you were one of them. 

The others were recommended to the police force. 

When you started, you were living out of a cheap motel, as your family home was too far. You had tried apartment hunting but finding an affordable apartment to rent in DC was not easy. 

This resulted in you checking the FBI staff noticeboard, where you found a fellow agent advertising a spare room in their apartment. 

And that's how you ended up living with Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst at the Behavioural Analysis unit. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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