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"Maha tlele? Nale mintini ya vanhu mi endla sweswi ka Khanyisa?" [ You're still sleeping? Is this what you also do in other people's houseshold?]

Aunt Florah's unnecessarily loud voice chases away every bit of sleepy bone in me and I sit up on the bed, Sesi Caro gets up too and she looks more pissed off than me

I check the time, it's four o'clock in the morning. Four o'clock!! Who does this?

"Hahani, hitaku hi hubutela yini?" [ aunt, why would we be waking up early?] sesi Caro asks

"Milo rivala ku namuntlha ku humelela yini? Hi fane hi sungula ku tirha, mapoto yata tselekiwa hi mani loko maha n'wina maha tlele?" [Have you forgotten what today is? We have to start working, whose going to stary cooking when you guys are still sleeping?]

" Kuna vanhu va catering-" [There's catering people-]

" Se va fane va fika va kuma minga se endla nchumu? Tshikani ku loloha mi pfuka lan, hayi man!" [So they must things as they are? Stop being lazy and wake up] she says then walks out, probably to go pounce on someone else

" I knew I should have slept in my own house"I say easing back onto my pillow

"Me too, I forget how she can get" sesi Caro says "Let me get up"

"Buy me some time, I'm coming"

"Alright, I'll tell her you're making the bed"

When she steps outside I reach for my phone from the nightstand and text Nkosi, I don't want to call incase he's still asleep, he left here very late last night

"You up?" I quickly type and before I can put my phone away a response comes through

"How can I still be sleeping my wife's side of the bed is cold and empty" He's probably complaining but I can't help but smile, I love how Nkosi always makes me feel wanted, I never have to wonder when it comes to him

"I miss you too" I send a smiley face

"Are you and bunny good?"

"We are" Another smile creeps up on me, how we've gotten used to calling our baby bunny makes me think this name will stick even after birth

"That's good, so why are you up at this time?"

"Aunt Florah" that's all I need to say and he sends a bunch of laughing emojis. He's only seen her twice, but he knows, he just knows

"So you'll keep Cheryl and Nick compant today, right? I don't want them feeling out of place"

"Nangu umuntu ufuna ukungenza ngikhulume isiNgisi overtime, kahle MaKhosa" [you want to make me speak English overtime]

"Ngiyacela [please] , baba kabunny. Plus you know they are nice people"

"Yah Nick is nice, his wife on the other hand! She can't stop talking"

"Come on, My friend is just bubbly that's all"

"Okay ke, you don't have to further convince me. I'll keep them company"

We continue chatting for a while until I get up. After making the bed, I wait for the bathroom que because there's a lot of us in the house today. Most of our family from Limpopo arrived yesterday and some slept here while others left with my brother inlaw.

After freshening up I go outside. I know that Singi, the decor and catering lady will be here any time now and they prefer to find things untouched, something my aunt doesn't get so I just stick to sweeping the yard, that should keep her out of my hair

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