Chapter One

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You were always one for daydreaming. But it wasn't your fault. If anyone had to sit in this boring meeting hall, you knew that they would zone out, too. Every day, it seemed, you would always daydream about Alfred. You quickly learned from a past mistake not to keep staring at him but just rather think about him. Listening to Germany drone on and on... It grew tiring...


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!" Arthur yelled as he was shaking you. "Uh, what? Huh?" you said as your head shot up and barely missed Arthur's. *Sigh* "You fell asleep for the third time this week! Are you not resting well enough, (y/n)?" You shook your head. "No, Arthur. I've been sleeping fine. You don't need to worry about me. Unless you want to confess your undying love for me!"

"Psh. In your dreams." He chuckled. You rose from your seat, still laughing, wondering where Alfred could have gone. You shrugged it off. 'He probably left already anyways.' As you were walking down the empty corridor beside England, you saw France staring out the window, looking Matthew and Alfred. "I remember when he was so little~ My little Canada is so big now~" You smiled at his words, and went to join him, but Arthur quickly pulled you away. "You are not to be around that pervert!" he whisper-shouted as we speed walked away. You didn't think Francis was a pervert at all, though. In fact, the two of you were good friends. Although Arthur didnt need to know that. You were Italy and Germany's adoptive daughter. And Arthur was like your babysitter. The love-hate relationship you two have is hilarious to the other nations. As you pushed open the doors, you saw an excited Feliciano waiting for you. "Ve~ Bella! Ciao!" he exclaimed as he wrapped you in a hug. "Hi, dad. Where's daddy?" You asked, "Oh, Ludwig is working on the Hummer. The radiator is having problems." You nodded in understanding and walked over to your other dad. "Hi daddy!" Other people might think it was weird to have two dads, but for you, it was the most normal thing in the world. Of course you knew that you had a mom, once. But you were too young to process any memories of her. "Oh, hey. (Y/n), could you hand me zhat wrench over zhere?" You nodded and happily have him the tool. "How long are we gonna be here?"

"Not.. For... Long." he said in between cranks. You just laughed and walked shook your head. 'I wonder if France is still there?' You walked back inside to find France in the same spot. "Hey Francis!" you said happily. "Oh, hello (y/n). Why are you back inside? Did you forget something in here?" You shook your head. "No, I wanted to visit with you. Dad- I mean Germany is working on the hummer." Francis nodded his head in understanding. "I'm just watching my little Canada~ He's so grown up now. I just wish America would treat him nicer." You nodded your head in agreement as you joined him on the windowsill. "I like Alfred." you blurted out. You shook your head in disbelief. 'Did I seriously just do that?' France just gave you an 'I knew it the whole time' look. "Do you not want me to tell mon ami?" You shook your head while blushing furiously. "P-please don't! I would seriously die if you did!"

"Alright then I won't. If Germany and Italy found out you liked America of all countries... I might as well wish you a nice funeral." You just laughed beside Francis for a while until you whipped your heads towards the window after hearing a scream. Canada was sprawled out on the ground, and he wasn't moving. You gasped as you and Francis ran outside to tend to Matthew's aid. "Mattie! Oh no my poor Mattie!" you yelled over-dramatically. "H-huh? Eh?" Matthew said hazily as he slowly picked his head up. You shot a peircing glare over at America as Francis was lecturing him. You couldn't stay mad at him, though. 'Damn you, feelings!' you thought. "Alfred, you know better. Your power is much more stronger than Matthew's is. Don't do it again." He nodded sadly at you. "I didn't mean to..." he pouted. Francis walked over to Matthew to give him a relieving hug. It was quite cute to you. Matthew looked like such a child. You quickly shook away the feeling and walked up to America. "I-I'm disappointed in you right now, Alfred. You should treat our brother with more respect. He does it to you, so return the favor would you?" America shot you a look of pain and hung his head. "I understand." America opened his mouth to say something else, but was quickly interrupted by Germany. "It's fixed. We can go home now."

"Okay daddy! Alfred, remember what I said." All he did was nod his head. "Ok..."


You sauntered into the kitchen as your dads were cooking side by side. The atone of Italian and German cuisine flooded your senses. "What's for dinner?" you asked. You already knew, though. "Vurst and pasta." Germany replied. You jut smiled and shook your head. "Can't we like, have pizza or something?" Italy thought for a moment and smiled. "Ve~ I can make that for you tomorrow, bella~" Germany just turned and gave an exhausted look. Suddenly, he said, "Some of the countries are coming over."


"Because someone invited zhem." he said as he shot a glare over at Italy. "I'm sorry! I just wanted some friends over! I like their company!" Italy cried. You always loved little scenes like this. Feli crying over a stupid reason, but then Ludwig coming in and getting all soft and lovey with him. It was nice. "Hey, who's coming anyways?" Germany looked up and thought about it for a moment. "Romano, Japan, America, England, Spain, *sigh* France..., maybe Russia."

"No Prussia?"



"Because he's annoying when he's with Spain and France." You just rolled your eyes and frowned. "B-But I love m-my uncle..." You said in between fake sobs. "I haven't seen him in forever!" You glanced up from your hands as Germany gave a sigh. "Fine, he can come, too." You instantly recovered and gave an evil Prussia-like laugh. Germany just looked at you with surprise and fear. "Haha! You said he can come, so now he shall!"

"Ve~ How did you learn to fake cry so well?" You just smiled proudly. "Uncle Gil taught me!" You walked up to the stove and dished up your own food. As you sat down, you asked, "So when are they getting here?"


"Soon.... When?"

"A few minutes maybe. They von't arrive all at once, you know."

"Hmm... Alright then I'll wait." You knew exactly who you were waiting for. It was your crush, Alfred. Maybe you'll just say something smooth like, "Hey, wanna play some video games?" Or something you honestly didn't know yet. Maybe you'll just shy out like you always do and just hole yourself up in your room. You were contemplating it, but you decided that you would talk to people. Or just the BTT.

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