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What the...? Flashbacks to my painful vision were resurfacing in my mind. I glanced up to see a huge aircraft heading in our direction and panicked.

"Oh, shit, they're here! Lo'ak!" I yelled. At that moment, the others arrived on Payakan's back. "Help us pull it out!" I told Neteyam. I didn't care if he was against the idea. Payakan's life was in danger.

"Hurry, the ship's almost here!" Lo'ak added. Neteyam helped Ao'nung up without question, and we all began straining at it, trying desperately to tug it out.

"Call Dad!" Neteyam ordered Lo'ak. He hissed angrily when his brother didn't move. "Just do it!" 

Lo'ak decided to listen and ran further onto Payakan's back. I saw him talking fast into his device.

How are you doing, buddy? I asked the Tulkun while we continued attempting to help him. 

Not in any discomfort at all, thanks. He answered sarcastically, before adding, Yeah, I'm doing fine, but I probably WON'T be if that thing is still on me in the next five minutes!

We're working on it, don't be such a—


I AM TOO! Buddy, you're gonna die if we don't get this out, and things aren't looking to good for you right now!

A real nice thought, thanks, LO'AK'S GIRLFRIEND.

I scoffed inwardly. Absurd, totally. Oh, yeah, ok, P'LEI'S BOYFRIEND.

P'lei still talks about me?! No way! Wow! Can you tell her I—

Focus, Payakan!

On what?! You guys are the ones doing all the work!

"A Tulkun is under attack." I overheard Lo'ak saying while I argued with his Tulkun. "Killer ships inbound. It's all of us!"

Listen to me, do not engage. Alright? Do NOT engage. Jake said. My hearing was impeccable when I wanted it to be. Lo'ak responded with a "Yes sir, we won't engage", before running back to help us.

"'We won't engage', huh?" I asked him sarcastically over the noise. We were all grunting with effort to wrench out the pinger. "What do you think we're doing right now?!"

"Engaging!" He shouted, also yanking on the pinger. "But he doesn't need to know that!"

"The demon ship is right there!"

"I told him it was inbound!"

"Inbound?! I guess that's also true, but it's right in front of us! Did you at least tell him that?" 

"No, it would've stressed him out more!"

"Oh, right, he doesn't need to know that either!"

May I just mention that Payakan was probably the least stressed one in this situation. He was practically chilling while we did all the work.

The killer ship is coming closer! He warned me EXTREMELY helpfully. We're all gonna get barbecued!

That's not how it works, and thanks for the encouragement! I mind-shouted back. Spotting a rope hanging on the Ilu, I splashed down to grab it. The others got an idea of what I was doing and helped me tie one end to the pinger and the other end to the Ilu.

"Go, go!" Ao'nung yelled, and Neteyam urged the tied Ilu to swim forward. 

"Pull, harder!" Tsireya shrieked. The creature flapped its fins helplessly. Rotxo and Lo'ak began pulling on the rope as well with all their might, grunting with effort. It didn't budge! It was barely inching outwards at all. We needed more strength! But how? Who?

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