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Pain is something that in life, is inevitable. It happens every day. For various reasons.

Whether it happened years ago, recently, because of an accident, or on purpose, or maybe it was because of a heartbreak.

Pain is constant and no amount of prevention, or cautiousness can stop it from occurring.

I remember, years ago, a conversation I had overheard.

There was a girl and a boy. The boy said to the girl, "I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm only trying to look out for you, he seems dangerous."

To which she replied,  "I won't, I always entertain the notion of heartbreak."

He tried to hide that he had grimaced but he could not, and the only thing that could be said in that moment was nothing. The girl had put her hand over his and she smiled, as if offering him some comfort, although it wasn't much he returned the gesture.

I think of that conversation often. And it makes me mad. How one should have to entertain the thought of being hurt beyond repair and how it cannot be fixed or changed, how that pain cannot do anything but leave a scar so visible. Can we not have a moment of peace? Just a day where the pain isn't so constant?

I can feel it every day. The pain. It has subdued some, until the next problem arises and the scar that was almost healed is bleeding with fresh, new blood.

And there's nothing I can do, nothing anybody can do.

I suppose we can be nicer and try to decrease the pain for other people, but in the end sacrificing your happiness, your one day of peace, so somebody can have theirs, isn't realistic in a reality where people are so selfish.

The only people who can manage to sacrifice something so rare would be the people who know the pain, and have since had a chance to have that day where they can stitch up some of their scars. Those who understand more than any of us would ever be able to, and so decide to sacrifice their day of peace, just so you can have yours.

They don't expect anything in return, although pain could be less abundant, if you were to return the favor. Not so that they once again owe you something, but out of the kindness and understanding that you receive because of the person who sacrificed themselves for you.

Pain won't ever go away. But creating more scars for somebody else isn't the way to stitch yours.

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