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"Kun's here to pick us up with our manager's van, let's go." Ten said looking up from his phone.

Yuta nodded, getting up. He's been nervous since the he stepped off the plane into Korea. Due to his sudden hiatus that the company had quickly announced due to health reasons, their fans weren't quite sure where he was, America, or Korea? Japan? So the airport wasn't crowded and they weren't mobbed thankfully, despite that he still quietly urged Ten to move quicker.

Sungchan in one arm, other fidgeting with his mask, they swiftly made their way through the airport, emerging into the fresh air and busy streets. Looking up and the down the street he looked at the rows of cars parked along the sidewalk. "Where is he at?" He asks Ten.

Looking at his phone, "He says he's going to pull up in a minute, so we just have to wait here." Ten informed, pocketing his phone.

Yuta nodded, eyes looking around paranoid. Sure, their fans don't know they're here, but that doesn't mean there are fans around who could happen to spot them and attract attention to them. He sighs, gosh, have I always been this anxious? Or is it just because of the high stakes right now?

"There he is!" Ten's voice jolted him out of his thoughts just as a car pulled up in front of them.

From the drivers door Kun hopped out, helped the two load their luggage into the truck before ushering them in the car, and before long, they were off.

Clearing his throat, Yuta leans forward a bit in his seat in the back, "Thanks Kun, for picking us up. I'm sure you were busy, thanks."

"It's fine hyung! It's not a problem!" Kun waved him off. "It's been a while since I've been able to see you, how have you been?" He asks, glancing through the rearview mirror at the elder.

"Well... I've definitely been better, that's for sure." He sighs, relaxing in his seats as he looks up at the ceiling. "The past few weeks have definitely been something, and... who knows what's in store."

Worry itching on Kun's face, "Don't worry too much Yuta, it'll all work out." He reassures.

"Thanks, I sure hope it will..." Yuta sigh. "So far it's quite the adjustment." He remarks. "I like kids, but I definitely didn't think I'd have any myself, or at all, any time soon."

"Yeah, quite the adjustment indeed; however, they're quite cute adjustments." At a red light, Kun reaches out to caress Shotaro's small head in Ten's arms. "What's the name of this little one?"

"That one is Shotaro, and the one sitting back here with me is Sungchan." The latter lays dozing off on his chest as the former babbles happily from the attention he is receiving from both Ten and Kun.

They drove for a while until they finally came to a stop in front of 127's dorm. "Ten and I talked a few days ago and agreed that it'd be a good idea for some of us to stay with you at the dorms for a few days so that we can help you out." Kun speaks up as he helps Yuta out of the car.

"Sichengie, Hendery, and Xiaojun are waiting inside." Ten says, "Don't worry, they all have nieces and nephews, they know goes to handle kids, I swear." He added, seeing the slightly concerned expression on the Japanese's face.

"Got'cha." Yuta nods they make their way into the apartment building. As they settle in the elevator he sighs, feeling himself relax being in a familiar place once again.

Entering the code to the dorm, he's immediately greeted by shouts in the living room and the familiar noise of men placing video games.

Following in, "Yah! Be quiet!" Kun barks at the three— four? men in the living room.

"What is Yangyang doing here?" Ten asks as he sets Shotaro in a crib that definitely wasn't there when Yuta left for the tour.

"I was bored being home alone! Yukhei gets film Running Man, Kun-ge was picking you and Yuta-hyung up and they were coming here to help you guys!" Yangyang explained, not taking his eyes away from the television screen, focused on the game. "I was the one who put together that crib, these three would've destroyed it if I wasn't here."

"Nuh-uh! We would've been able to figure it out ourselves!" Hendery brought his hand up to clutch his nonexistent pearls, offended, before he paused to think. "Well, maybe."

Xiaojun came over to help them with their bags, seeing as the other three were occupied. The younger gasps softly as he passes by the crib, "They're so small." He looks back up to Yuta, throwing up a thumbs up, "They're adorable."

"Thanks, made them myself." He jokes, feeling satisfied hearing a few cackles in the room.

As he brings his bags to his room, he yawns, finally feelings the effects of a nearly twelve hour flight. Eyeing his bed, he walks out his room, grabbing Sicheng's arm as he came out the bathroom, spooking the younger. "Hey, are you guys able to watch the babies? I'm dying to shower and take a nap." He asks.

"Yeah sure, I'm sure the six of us can keep two small babies alive hyung, go shower and sleep, we'll take care of them." Sicheng reassured him, pushing him into the bathroom.

"Thanks!" He shouts before he closes the door, turning around and wasting no time before he strips and steps into the shower, not even minding getting hit with cold water at first, just happy to be back home.

In just ten minutes he's in pajamas and ready to nap when he remembers he has to take his phone off airplane mode. His mood sours slightly see the text messages, specifically some from his managers and the company requesting his presence at a meeting in two days.

Sighing he puts his phone on the charging, he'll worry about that later when he has more energy. He takes a deep breath of home, feeling a small smile creep on his lips, he closes his eyes. As sleep slowly takes him, he vaguely hears something shatter in the kitchen, alongside someone yelling about "Why would you drop one of Taeyong's dishes?? He's going to kill you when he finds out!" It's fine. He'll deal with it later. "I'm gonna call Taeyong and tell him what you did!" Or well, someone else will.



Sorry for the short chapter after ages of not updating, I'm hoping to focus on writing and finishing this story in 2024, fingers cross.

Happy new years y'all, hope y'all are going to enjoy it ^-^

See you next year

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