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one day mikey way was feeling extra tirsy for sun fanta. so he made his way down to onderdonk ave dollar general. he runs to the glass case but his stupid fat fingers can't open the glass case. so he kicks the glass door with his yellow croc (one with both feet shoved it cuz he can't afford two) that is twinning with his teefs. the manager named marquela stumbles over to the younger way brother. it falls over his nasty scrangly toe nails that are sticking out of his butter covered crocs. he sticks his arms through the broken glass door of the refrigerator, his arms start to leak grayish red blood becuz he is very demonic & he ate his own ass (including shittle) and that's illegal.
the manager is secretly an undercover cop (named olivia benson) and arrests mikey way immediately.
he goes to oswald correctional facility and was placed in gen pop cuz he smells like actual asshole covered in lavender lysol. he cries and cries so he's moved to cell block chree. a man with no hair, an angry forehead and a hate symbol tattoo (ifykyk) waddles over to him (he's very obese). his name is vern but mikey calls him verny werny. vern gives him a small piece of chicken. mikey way falls asleep in his bed cuz he has tiredness, verny werny berny hurny schillinger wiggles in his bed like a baby worm. he also has a shank and sum tits in his crack. he forcibly shoves the drugs up miklesael's shnoz. mikey way has a she/zir and verny werny unzips his bodysuit and it is revealed that he is gerard way. gerard says "muhma we ayll go to heyl" and he snuggles up to mikey's corpse.

the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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mikey way robs dollar general, and goes to jail and then dies. Where stories live. Discover now