Sleep Talk

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Jisung tried to regulate his breathing, his almond eyes blown wide as he scanned the room, trying to figure out where he was. The room was dark, but the small light on the laptop and the dim hall light that crept in from under the door helped him realize where he was. Minho's bedroom.
Minho's bed, more specifically.
'How did I get here?!'
As he attempted to sit up, still confused and bewildered, he felt a large weight across his waist.
Running his right hand through his dark hair, still trying to make sense of the night's shenanigans that lead him to be in this predicament, he realized it was Minho's arm holding him down. Minho's soft tousled brown hair a mess on his pillow, face away from Han but his strong arm still holding his waist like his life depended on it. Jisung leaned over him, trying to see his face. Was he really this strong, even in his sleep?
It caught Han off guard, seeing Minho's face so relaxed and peaceful. He was usually more serious, but also secretly more playful with Jisung than any other member. But right now he was expressionless, and he was beautiful.
'Has he always been so beautiful?'
Jisung shook the thought away, embarrassed. Of course Minho was beautiful. All the members of Stray Kids were attractive, even though all unique, they were all pretty in their own unique ways.
But this felt different. It had always been different with Minho, though. Jisung was absentmindedly more physically affectionate with Minho, who never batted an eye at it. A warm feeling prickled Han's neck, creeping up to his ears. His stomach felt slightly uneasy, but in a good way.
Glancing down at his best friend again, he couldn't help it. Jisung brushed a few hairs out of Minho's sleeping face, to really bask in his beauty, even in the dark. Minho almost purred in response, suddenly turning and facing Jisung.
He felt like his heart stopped, frozen in time, in the dark, hand still in Minho's hair.
Minho's eyes fluttered open, a small smile played on his lips.

"I need you, don't go." Minho muttered softly, leaving Jisung to blush in the dark. Did he hear him correctly? There was no way he was talking to him, right? He had to have been sleep talking. But why did Jisung suddenly wish Minho was talking to him? Jisung gulped, trying to take a few deep breaths while pushing his band mate's hair once more before reclaiming his hand.

"Mm, Jisung." Minho whispered, nuzzling into Jisung's side, squeezing his waist again. Jisung's heart fluttered, laying down flat in the bed once more. This had to have been a dream, right? Just some weird dream he wouldn't remember in the morning. He hoped these weird, strange fluttering feelings for Minho disappeared in the morning, too. So, since it appeared to just be a dream, he took the opportunity to snuggle up next to Minho, pulling him closer. Minho adjusted, resting his head on Jisung's chest before letting out a sigh of relief. Jisung sighed too, immediately feeling comfortable to doze back off to sleep.


It was the best rest Minho had gotten in weeks. He usually had no problems falling asleep, but staying asleep was the issue. He missed his cats, his family, but he was also out doing what he loved. He heard an alarm go off, his eyes opening just enough to search for his cell phone. But it wasn't his alarm going off, it was Jisung's cell phone alarm. His eyes widened, realizing how incredibly close and snuggled up the pair were, and he grinned to himself. He didn't want to make Jisung uncomfortable at all, and the last thing he wanted to do was confess his feelings first thing this morning. But he also wanted to enjoy a few more minutes in conscious bliss if he could. Minho carefully reached over and tapped the snooze button on Han's cellphone, hoping that it didn't already wake Jisung up. Instead, Jisung rolled over, still very much asleep, and rested his forehead on Minhos, laying now on his side to face him. Minho had always appreciated how beautiful and handsome Jisung was, but being this close was almost intoxicating. Had he always had such gorgeous long eye lashes? Even without all the performance and stage make up, he was stunning. Minho couldn't help himself, he placed a hand on Jisung's cheek and caressed it with his thumb. What he wouldn't do to wake up next to him every day. He felt a wave of courage wash over him as he realized his band mate was still very much asleep, and still very much in his bed, in his personal space. He always asked before any sort of touching, he was practically the king of consent, but he felt like he couldn't waste this opportunity, either. Minho very carefully carassed Jisung's cheek with his thumb once more before carefully trailing down to Jisung's bottom lip. He paused there, inhaling quietly before closing the small distance between them and letting their lips touch.

It was a soft, short kiss, or at least that's what Minho thought it was going to be. He didn't even have time to process what was happening before feeling Jisung kiss him back, Jisung's arm that was under Minho's head was now pulling Minho closer to his own body. Minho allowed himself to be moved over, enjoying the little grunt he heard from Jisung.

"Y-You're wonderful." Jisung breathed out, before pulling Minho back into another kiss. Minho felt like his body was on fire, in the best way. How long had he dreamed about this? And it was far better than his dreams. But, was Jisung still asleep? Was he dreaming of someone else? The thoughts quickly left his mind as Jisung ran his tongue across Minho's bottom lip, as if asking for access. Minho happily obliged, lips parting so their tongues could wrestle for dominance. Minho was practically on top of Jisung now, both men's eyes closed in pure bliss of the moment.

A soft moan escaped Jisung's mouth as Minho finally pulled away for air, and then Jisung's eyes opened. Panic hit both men hard, Minho slowly readjusting himself off Jisung's lap to sit up on the bed beside him. They sat in silence for a few moments, Jisung now sitting up, too.

Minho finally cleared his throat, before glancing back over at Jisung.

"I um, I don't know what to say." Minho said softly.

"I don't either." Jisung replied, visibly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Minho choked out. He felt like that was all he could say. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with Jisung, that would destroy him, Even if the feelings weren't reciprocated, he couldn't lose him as a friend. He just couldn't.

"You're sorry? Why are you sorry?" Jisung asked, puzzled. He turned to face him fully, grabbing both of Minho's hands in his own. He desperatly tried to make eye contact with Minho, who's eyes appeared glossy and wet. Minho's vision blurred, angry with himself for kissing his best friend, ruining his friendship, and now crying. Why did he have to cry?

Minho just attempted to wave his hand between the two of them as best he could while Jisung held onto his hands, gesturing to the recent events.

"This." Minho finally whispered. This is it, Jisung is going to leave. Minho felt like he was going to vomit.

"I thought it was pretty clear I was making moves on you, you just caved first. Couldn't resist me, huh?" Jisung joked, pulling Minho's hands up to his face and kissed them lightly. Minho froze, he could feel the heat creep back in his face, there was no hiding the blush, or relief, on his face. He let out a shaky breath he didn't realize he had been holding, and chuckled.

"Friendship isn't ruined?" Minho asked shyly, which caught Jisung off guard. He was always serious or confident, seeing this side of him was adorable.

"Oh, the friendship is ruined alright. Done. Over with. Entirely on fire. Because I would really love a relationship instead, if that's ok of course." Now it was Han's turn to be embarrassed, but Minho simply tackled him with kisses in response.

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