5 years, an age of innocence

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5 years old, a time for going to school and chasing butterflies across the schoolyard. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I relive that day in my dreams, one that starts great but I know will always end in tragedy. Running from zander because he had cooties and swinging on the swingset with my best friend Chloe. I guess I'll never know what our futures would have turned out to be. I never really thought I would turn out to be who I am today. I always imagined myself as a princess. I miss my friends and being able to just be a kid, but most importantly I miss the innocence of being a five-year-old girl. I remember that morning my parents dropped me off at school. We stopped at Mcdonald's on the way because we had left early. I was so excited to show my friends the toy I had gotten that I missed my chance of a proper goodbye. Instead a passing and rushed I love you was said as I ran out of the car almost closing the door before my parents got a chance to reply, but I heard them. The words I long to hear over and over again. The words I wished to have heard at graduation and my wedding. The words that slipped through their lips were smooth and fast for me to even comprehend in my five-year-old brain. They both yelled I love you as I rushed out of the car. When I got into the building I remember going up to my friends and showing them the stupid toy I had gotten which later in the day got broken at recess. I was a kid who didn't pay attention but never had a problem sleeping.nap time was my favorite part of the school. I would let my dreams whisk me away into whatever I could imagine. My dreams were an escape from learning the alphabet and constantly getting berated by teachers to pay attention. Now I would do anything to escape my dreams. That afternoon my parents did not pick me up. I sat in the office. An hour after all of the other students had left I was still there. Mrs cobbs the secretary had given me a coloring sheet and a peppermint to occupy me but I was getting fidgety and wanted to go home. All of a sudden the office door opens and a couple of men walk in. they go over to Mrs cobbs and start talking in hushed voices. One man comes over to me and sits down." my names clint what's your name" i lok over at him " my parents told me not to talk to strangers" i said continuing to draw." my names amelia, amelia caterona" he looks at me then take a paper and starts coloring with me "What are you drawing amelia" he asks " im drawing my toy that i got this morning, zander broke it on the playground but i want another one so im drawing it so mommy can get me the one tha iwant and not the blue one cause i want the purple one" " your really smart what grade are youin" as i finish my drawing i ook up" im in kindergarten but daddy says i can pass for a 1st grader because im so tall, im the tlalest personin my class" clint looks up at me and i can tel his next question hes kinda nervous to ask " amelia do you know anything about people that could be mad at your parents, have you heard them talk about bad people" i lok up kind of confused " no my mommy and daddy are nice people, my parents are nice to everyone, actually last week we backed cookies for everyone in my class, that was a lot of work but i got to eat alot of cookie doe and mommy let me stay up way past my bedtime." clint looks at me and he knows he is going to regret his next words for the rest of his life. He has to ruin this child childhood and pretend it dosnt faze him " when is mommy and daddy coming to get me cause im done with my drawing now " i look up to cint and i can instantly tell somethings not right. " amelia your mommy and daddy arent coming to get you today" i look confused " what do you mean, are they on a vacation?" " no sweetie they aren't coming back, your going to be staying with me for a

while your daddy was one of my co worker and asked me to keep you safe" i looked up " why aren't they coming back, they told me they would never leave me" i started to cry as clint moves a little closer he picks me up as i sob " your parents will never leave you they will always be with you in your heart as long as you never forget, they loved you so much"
And that's where my dream ends, every time. That's the day my parents died. I've been with clint for 11 years now. I never saw my friends again after that. I moved into Clint's house with his wife Laura who now has 2 kids and one on the way. But I have a feeling this is just where the story begins for me.

Okay I know these are annoying but i need to know if this sounds interesting and if the writing is understandable because my adhd brain says it is but I have adhd brain so I have no idea lol 😂
Any ways please leave comments
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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