Long ago in a very far place lived a man his name is carl.
Carl is a married man with two kids.
One young man name jack and a very young daughter name
Sylvia. One day carl went out in the woods to gather firewood when a cry of despair is heard back where he had just come from his home he dropped everything and ran home as fast as he could but it was to late fire blazed from every window in his Cottage his wife and daughter still caught in the blaze his son passed out just outside the door and out the corner of his eye he spots a shimmer of silver and black and from the shadows emerged the most interesting women he had ever laid eyes upon she had golden hair and bountiful locks of golden hair as fairest he had ever seen suddenly he came out of his daze when she spoke "beware the women dressed in red for she brings tidings of good and bad, away in the woods creatures roam til night when all you see is bone, young man dashing and bravest of them all will fail to find the purpose for all" with that she vanished and with her the flame that set the house ablaze was extinguished but there was no sign of his wife or daughter within the house just him and his son
10 years later the boy is 18 and he is traveling into the village for bread .as he walks his way he finds a red ring upon the ground he picks it up and puts it is his pocket and rushes home to his pa
"I don't remember the last time I found a dragons treasure
piece lying on the ground it's been years" said jack thinking to himself "I must show dad, maybe he would know what to do" as he runs up the stairs he notices something out of the ordinary the door is slightly ajar and the lock is broken with sudden alertness he tenses, feeling a sense of action and ready to spring he slowly open the door without making a sound and he stares into the darkness of his home. He looks to the side and sees the sword in the umbrella holder and grabs for it the sword comes out clean, the blade recently sharpen by none other than himself gleaming in the still darkness of his home he slowly enters his home and calls out with a careful voice "dad where are you I got the
bread you ask for where do you want me to put it" I hear a rustle and papers catch wind on the floor I looked closer and see a note " Dear jack if you are reading this i am most likely to be dead, by the same being that took your mother and sister a prophecy was told to me of this day when you turn 18 you must go on a quest. Here is the prophecy "Beware the women dressed in red for she brings tidings of good and bad away in the woods creatures roam til night when all you see is bone, young man dashing and bravest of all will fail to find purpose for all" the letter ends there with nothing left but a signature of dads and a map. "Well this is just great well guess I'd better get ready to go on a long trip if I am to find the guy in this prophecy. He packed his bag with food and water put the sword in it with its scabbard and tied it in place, grabbed his walking stick, closed and lock the
door and walked off into the distance thinking about nothing then but anticipation "I will find him for my family"
To Be Continued