CH 25: Back to Reality

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[Omg I updated all of my stories today! Can you believe it everyone! I can't believe I actually was able to update every single one today! Gosh I'm so proud of myself^^ anyway I hope you like this chapter!]

[Sorry if there are typos or weird sentences. Lol too lazy to proofread XD]


Donghae and Eunhyuk were both busy packing their clothes and other personal belongings and putting them into their suitcases. Today was the day that everyone would be coming back from Italy and classes would start back up agin tomorrow. Neither one of them wanted to go back to school. They knew what going back would mean for both of them. Eunhyuk would have to go back to acting all tough in front of Leeteuk and Yesung again and Donghae would probably never get to see him outside of practice.

All of these things made Donghae's heart hurt. He wanted to spend more time with Eunhyuk now that he finally admitted his feelings for him. Donghae wanted to get to know Eunhyuk on a more personal level now, but since they have to go back to school, he knew that his opportunity was now gone. Donghae was in the bathroom collecting his toothbrush, face lotions and whatnot when Eunhyuk walked in. Eunhyuk noticed Donghae's depressed mood and stood next to him, looking at him through the mirror.

"What's wrong?" Eunhyuk asked slightly nudging Donghae's arm.

Donghae sighed.

"We have to go back today." Donghae said softly. "We can't be ourselves anymore. We'll have to hide from everyone else because they wouldn't understand." Donghae could feel tears forming in his eyes.

Eunhyuk noticed Donghae's watery eyes and grabbed his shoulders so that they were facing each other. Eunhyuk lifted Donghae's head slightly and softly kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry Donghae," Eunhyuk whispered. "Nothing, not even Leeteuk and Yesung, can change my feelings for you."

Donghae wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk's waist and pulled him close. The two embraced for a few moments before Eunhyuk let go and grabbed his belongings from the bathroom and left without another word.


Eunhyuk had dropped Donghae off early to draw less suspicion of them when others arrived. Donghae was slowly unpacking his suitcases when he heard a knock on his door. When Donghae opened the door, a bright and excited smile appeared on his face.

"Siwon!" Donghae said hugging his tall friend.

"Sure just forget about us then." Kyuhyun said sarcastically from behind Siwon.

"I could never forget about you guys, I just didn't see you there." Donghae said letting go of Siwon to hug his other friends.

"Gosh I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you guys." Donghae said inviting the others into his room.

"I know, I still can't believe you left with Eunhyuk though. What did you guys do?" Kangin asked taking a seat on the couch.

Donghae calmly tried to think of a good excuse as he turned to face his friends.

"I-I just stayed at my aunt's house. Yeah she doesn't live too far away from here conveniently so I just stayed with her the whole time. I have no idea what Eunhyuk was doing and I'd rather not know."

"Wow, good thing you didn't have to stay with Eunhyuk. I bet he would be one hell of a host to you." Kangin said jokingly.

"Oh gosh, I bet." Donghae said. "So do you guys know what's going on the rest of the day?"

"I heard that everyone's just going to be unpacking and settling in. No classes or anything." Siwon said.

"Good, I didn't want to do anything today anyway." Kyuhyun said sighing in relief. "You guys wanna go play games in my room?"

"I call first player!" Kangin said quickly getting up and running out of the room.

"No way fatso it's my console! I get first!" Kyuhyun said running after Kangin.

Siwon and Donghae both sighed.

"You coming?" Siwon asked.

"Mmmn nah. I think I'm just gonna practice today."

"What? But we don't have classes, we can relax today."

"And dancing is how I relax. I'll just meet up with you guys later."

"Alright, if you say so. Seeya." Siwon said calmly standing up and leaving the room.

Donghae waved goodbye as he dug through his suitcase looking for his shorts and favorite wife beater. Once Donghae finally found his clothes and got himself dressed, he made his way down to the empty practice room. He turned on the lights and placed his towel and water bottle down my the couch on the side of the room.

Donghae began with simple stretches as he enjoyed the quiet of the room around him. Donghae actually missed the practice room. All the time he's spent working and perfecting his dance moves in here just brought back sweet memories that he surprisingly missed. Soon after Donghae finished his stretching, he heard the door behind him open. Donghae turned around to see Eunhyuk in the doorway with an irritated expression on his face.

"Great," he said. "You're back."

Donghae was surprised by Eunhyuk's reaction and was about to ask him what was wrong, until he quickly stopped himself. Eunhyuk walked into the room with Leeteuk and Yesung following in behind him.

"Wow," Yesung said. "I'm surprised your still here. Thought you would've run away since you had the chance." He said nudging Leeteuk next to him.

"Yeah, what are you still doing here? Not letting that free scholarship go to waste huh?" Leeteuk said laughing.

Yesung and Eunhyuk joined in the laughing with him. This upset Donghae because it reminded him that he isn't rich like most of the other kids in this school that can just afford to go here. Donghae tried to ignore them as he turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Ooh look at Mr. Big-Shot over here. Thinks he's hot shit since he got to leave the trip early with Hyuk." Leeteuk said. "Well let me tell you something here punk."

Leeteuk walked up to Donghae and pushed him strongly, making Donghae fall to the floor. Donghae took a quick glance over to Eunhyuk who had an apologetic look on his face.

"Mess with us again and I'll make you regret it." Leeteuk said turning around. "Let's go Yesung. Give him hell Eunhyuk." Leeteuk said slamming the door behind him.

Once the door slammed shut, Eunhyuk immediately ran over to Donghae and helped him up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Donghae said getting to his feet. "Why are you friends with them Eunhyuk? They're bullies and selfish, why do you hang around them?" Donghae asked.

Eunhyuk took a deep breath before walking over to the music player.

"Let's practice. We haven't rehearsed in weeks so we need to work really hard got it?"

"Whatever." Donghae said as he prepared to start dancing.

[To Be Continued...]

From Enemies to Lovers (An Eunhae Fanfic) BoyXBoy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now