Still Eyes

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Hey guys! :) This is my first ever post onto WattPad. This is just the Prolouge of it, but there'll be more to come! ... AFTER Finals and some projects >_> If you think this is interesting, please comment about it! :D I'd also love to hear some constructive critism :3 Thanks! Hope you enjoy.

                                                                                                                                                           ~ Lilly




            A sharp stinging sensation that pursues you long after the injury has long ago connected to your physical being.

            I groaned miserably as I made a weak attempt to sit up. My body resisted the movements as their own, making me lie down again. The throbbing in my head almost made me lose consciousness, but I held on tight to it, afraid of what might happen if I pass out once more. I tried to ignore it and struggled to get up again. Suddenly, an intense, burning fire emerged in my abdomen. I cried out in a hoarse whisper, but I pushed forward, knowing I wouldn’t be able to go through this feeling a second time. After several long dragged out seconds, I successfully sat up, heaving heavily. I’m numb with pain.

            I tried to look around, but then I became aware that everything was engulfed by a pitch black darkness. The ground was cold and damp with an earthy smell to it. There were plenty of thorny things all around that felt like needle. I reached my hands to the space around me, waving them around for something to hold onto.

            Where am I?

Soon, noticed that my face felt stiff. As if a layer of dried mud was coveringthe upper half of my face. The dry, heavy feeling made me itching to peel it off. I slowly lifted my long fingers up to my eyes. The hard, crusty touch made me frightened to think of what it was, but I pushed on. I skimmed the surface of the coat, probably of a dried liquid’s and tried imagining what it could’ve been.

           Having an unknown courage, I decided to try and smell it, to see if it was anything familiar. It smelled salty and not too pleasant to the senses. Then, I had come to a resolve of tasting it. I don’t know where I was getting all this bravery from, since I’m usually the baby of the group. But, it’s probably from curiosity, and you know what they say . . .         

            “Curiosity killed the cat.”

            I slowly licked the dry material into my mouth.

            Regretting it, I tasted . . .  blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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