Chapter 1

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It was like any other day for Chloe as Ash and Goh were already out on their assigned mission as usual. Chloe hurried down the stairs until she realized her hair was messy.

"Ahhhh! no, no, no, this can't be happening to me today of all days!"
Chloe shouted

Chloe had school that day. She didn't want to be embarrassed
in front of the teachers or students. Chloe went to go look for her mother.

"Mom, hey mom I um need you to fix my hair for school today."
Chloe said

"Huh what was that Chloe sweetie? I can't hear you."
Mom said

"I said Mom Can you please do my hair for school today?"
Chloe asked

"Oh yes of course I can sweetheart I'll be upstairs in a few minutes.
In the meantime why don't you go have some breakfast first?
Mom asked

"Ok I will Mom."
Chloe replied

"What's with all the shouting that's hurting my ears? Oh Chloe are you ok?"
Professor Cerise asked

"Huh oh hi Dad I'm fine."
Chloe replied

"Well if anything is wrong feel free to come talk to me whenever you like Chloe."
Professor Cerise said

"Yep I got it dad."
Chloe said

"Good Chloe."
Professor Cerise said as he went to the lab.

"Oh hey my dear sweet brother. How are you doing today?"
Chloe asked

"I'm doing great. Whoa what happened to your hair sis?"
Brother asked

"N-Nothing's wrong with it. I just haven't done my hair yet is all."
Chloe replied

"Are you sure about that sis?"
Brother asked

"Yes I am. By the way shouldn't you  be getting ready for school Sport?"
Chloe asked

"Yeah I'll get ready after I'm done eating breakfast. Oh yeah Ash and Goh have left you a message saying they are safe and sound and that there's nothing to worry about.
Man they are sure worried about you sis."
Brother replied

"Well it's not like I was worried about Goh and Ash at all."
Chloe said

"Not even your boyfriend Goh?"
Brother asked

"Goh is just my friend not my boyfriend."
Chloe replied as she started to blush a bright pink.

"Whatever you say sis."
Brother said

All of a sudden Yamper was barking from a few rooms away from the kitchen.

"Hey sir your dog is very hyper today."
One of the assistants said to Professor Cerise.

"Is that so? Well I'll figure out with Yamper."

Chloe heard Yamper as she went to go to do the dishes.

"What are you doing sis?"
Brother asked

"I'm cleaning up a bit."
Chloe replied

"Your going to be late sis."
Brother said

"Oh no I have to go get ready for school!"
Chloe shouted

Chloe ran upstairs to get her school uniform on.
*I hope I'm not late.*

"Chloe I'm here now. Where's your sister?"
Mom asked

"Oh sis is in her room getting ready for school right now."
Brother replied

"Alright I'll just go wait for her in the bathroom then I suppose."
Mom said

"Ok Mom."
Brother said

"Listen you be good to your Dad."
Mom said

"I will Mom."
Brother said

"That's my boy." Mom said as she kissed her son on the head.
She went to the bathroom so she could her daughter's hair for school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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