friend's forever

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(3rd person Pov)

alphas, betas, and omegas. they all hold together the world. alphas are the strongest of all, they are the leaders of the pack, they are the protectors. and to some they are royal...well that's how Oliver seen them. Oliver always had a wonderous view of the world. but everyone always assumed it was from all the books he read. but Olivers best friend thought differently. Liam always knew that Oliver was a book worm, but he never got any of his conspractices from the books. Liam knew that Oliver had a smart brain, the smartest in the world. but the pack thought differently. from the moment Oliver could walk they all knew he was not an alpha nor a beta, he was an omega. the weakest of all, they would just see him as a weak, pathetic, omega. Oliver always ignored their insults. but Liam didn't, whenever someone insulted or hurt Oliver Liam would have a fight. and Oliver would blame himself. but soon came the day where everything would be made clear, all the teens would find out if they are an omega, beat, or alpha.......

(Liam's Pov)

I stood behind stage. heart pounding out of my chest. I was about to find out if I was the next alpha of the pack. "Oh my gosh he grew up so fast. I remember just yesterday you were in the field playing with...uh oh havens what's that omega boys name again?" my mom said, the comment made my blood boil. "Mom! you don't know if he actually is an omega!" I snaped, whenever someone called Oliver an omega or made fun of him, I would snap at them. so, what if he is an omega, he is still Oliver. "I'm sorry son. but that is all everyone really calls him." my mother said with a sorrow look. "it's fine..." I said looking away in anger. "Hey Liam!" Oliver said hugging me from behind tackling me. "Ack! Oliverrrr! don't come out of nowhere like that!" I said pushing Oliver off me. "Hehe, sorry. but I'm just really excited! what if I'm actually an alpha and everyone has had it wrong all my life?! that would be awesome!" Oliver said in excitement. "Hah! you be an alpha? in your dreams omega! you're an omega and you're always going to be a weak, pathetic, o/mega..."  Leo said with disappointment in his voice, when Leo said that Olivers ears plopped down. "Leave him alone Leo! he could possibly be an alpha!" I said my blood boiling. "it's fine Liam." Oliver said his voice small and tiny. "No! it's not okay! I'm tired of everyone insulting you!!" I said my voice getting louder as I got madder. "Aww are you protecting your little boyfriend?" Leo said jokingly. "Shut the fuck up Leo!!!" I said getting madder and madder. "Boys stop fighting." mom said getting in the middle spreading her arms so we wouldn't fight. "Leo leave the boy alone." mom said looking at him. "And Liam the probability of this little boy of being an alpha is very little." mom said looking at me. "DONT SAY THAT! IF OLIVER DREAMS OF BEING AN ALPHA, HE CAN DREAM IT IS POSSIBLE!!" I yelled snaping at my mom and my brother. "don't rase your tone with me! I'm just stating facts! look at how frail and weak the boy is! you really think he could be a protector?!" she said almost yelling. my blood felt like a volcano with how much my blood was boiling. "HE IS NOT WEAK! HE IS VERY STRONG AND VERY SMART!!!" I yelled at my mom. "He is very weak and pathetic; how can he be expected to be the next alpha!?" my mom said pointing at Oliver. I looked over at Oliver and he was crying, tears were streaming down his face. i ran over to Oliver but he ran away. "Oliver!" I said chasing after him. before i left i looked back at my mom and brother. my brother had a smirk of his face, and my mom had an angry look. "You...are terrible people." I said before running after Oliver. when I finally caught up to him, I grabbed his hand "Oliver." I said grabbing his shoulder and making him face me, when i made him turn to me he looked down. "Look at me pls..." I said looking at him. *sniff* *sniff* "n-no.." Oliver said, obviously crying. "Pls Oliver." I said holding his hand. he looked up at me tears streaming down his face. "Oliver, you shouldn't care what they all think. so, what if you are an omega or an alpha? your still you." I said holding his face, so he won't look away. "I-I just want people to stop saying I'm weak and pathetic..." Oliver said crying, I hugged Oliver tightly. "you're not weak nor pathetic. you are very strong, smart, kind, amazing, handsome, etc." I said hugging him. "Next to find out if they are an alpha, beta, or omega is... Oliver!" the lady on the stage announced.

(To. Be. Continued.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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