chap. one

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somebody's watching me.


I stared at the board as my teacher continued to rant about some math problem that seemed to make my head spin. My hand laid against my cheek, my eyes barely staying open. A paper was flung at the back of my head, causing me to jolt awake. Not going to lie, it scared me so much you would've thought I was being shot.

The entire class turned to look at me, surprisingly my teacher hadn't noticed and was still writing on the board. Rolling my eyes, I picked up the paper that was so rudely thrown at me. People these days.


wake up, and close your mouth, you could catch flies.

- hoe

I know exactly who threw this at me, it was none other than my bestfriend Cara. Cara had always been the more outgoing one out of the two of us, her icy blonde hair and bright blue eyes made her stand out. Compared to me, who has long brown hair and brown eyes. But my secret made me stand out in a completely different way to completely different people...

The bell rang and I collected my things, how the hell am I going to do this math homework?

"Let me guess, you have no idea how to do the homework?" Cara came up beside me.

"How did i get put in the smart math class, please remind me?" I replied as we continued walking out of the room. The halls seemed more claustrophobic than usual today.

"Because you copy your bestfriend's homework and you sit next to the smartest kid in class?" I raised my eyebrows, signaling that what she said was true. "Well today you can't copy my homework because I can't go to the library with you right now, and after school I have lacrosse." my eyes widened as I turned to look at her.

"What am I supposed to do in the library then?" I questioned standing at the door. "How about your homework!" she shouted leaving me standing by myself.

Damn, the lone wolf is left standing in an unknown habitat with no food and water, just a pencil and homework.

I sat in the back, where some kids went but not all. I didn't want to sit where no kid go because that's where people go to do quickies.

After about fifteen minutes I've gotten some progress done, my name was on it. Might I add, I tried my hardest to make it look the best I could. Perfect cursive, with hearts as the dots over the i's. I was so proud I took a picture and sent it to Cara, because why not?

The first problem we had to do was number eight, and I've been staring at this problem longer than I was staring at my name. My phone buzzed, I imagine it's Cara complimenting my impeccable handwriting.

unknown: " i see you're stuck on problem eight, it's a tough one, but to get the answer you find the square root then multiply it by four. "

I scrunched my eyes together as I read the message, I looked up to see no one anywhere near me. This isn't weird or anything.

me: " who is this? "

I replied. Almost instantly I received another message.

unknown: " oh brooklyn anne, if only i could tell you. "

Alright now I'm scared. What if this is some killer who has cameras hidden in the school to watch me? Or what if he has spies hidden to watch me and report back to he/she? I slowly picked up my bag, checking for cameras. I don't think there's any... but what if they're smaller than the human eye?

Soon enough another text came in.

unknown: " brooklyn anne, im not stalking you. im simply observing. im not some old creepy man, im just a boy who finds you extremely beautiful. "

I scoffed and held up my phone, not talking to anyone in particular. "Alright, who's the smart ass? Am I on pranked?" I span around looking for any sign of human life forms.

unknown: " love, sit down you're causing a scene. why don't you believe me? "

me: " because guys don't find my beautiful. they find me hot or sexy. you're not real this is a prank and id appreciate if you didn't play it on me. but there's plenty of other cheerleaders that deserve this! "

unknown: " don't get me wrong, you are 'sexy' and 'hot' but that's not the reason I'm texting you. I'm texting you because I see a beautiful girl, with a beautiful mind and beautiful soul. "

me: " how do you know me? "

unknown: " this isn't a one way street you also know me brooklyn anne, but you wouldn't suspect a guy like me texting a girl like you. "

me: " who are you? "

unknown: " not the right time for me to reveal myself. just know im here and willing to talk x "

me: " what am i suppose to call you? as in your name? "

unknown: " call me 'A' my love "


im bailey, greetings loved ones, let's take a journey. this is short because I didn't want the first chapter to be wicked long, but don't worry they will get longer

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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