003 || Demon Dog, I copy, Over

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This was the second war between the Na'vi and Sky People. Those who remember or fought in the first wish they hadn't, the memories weighing down heavily on them. Never before had they seen death on such a large scale. Never before had they seen so many buried, so many be sent back into the arms of the Great Mother, so much sorrow.

None of them knew it better than Tsu'tey.

Niri'te didn't truly understand how the first war had affected the Omatikaya People, only having heard the stories from her parents, sempu Tsu'tey and auntie Ninat told her and her siblings. Lo'ak always had a weird fascination with those stories, always wanting to hear more whenever he could.

But she wasn't one to judge as she attentively listen to the stories of injuries and illnesses her grandmother Mo'at told. She listened as Mo'at told her about all sorts of remedies, as well as showed her how to make a few simple ones for common injuries.

Her shawl flapped violently as she soared through the air on her ikran Makita, as Niri'te surveyed the sky around her. She was tasked as a lookout along with her brothers. They were supposed to watch over the raid and alert their father when they saw hostile airships.

Making a loop around the scene, Niri'te noticed Lo'ak diving down, Neteyam quickly following after him. She sighed, knowing Lo'ak hated being lookout, rather he wanted to be in the thick of it, shooting at the enemy with the guns taken from previous raids.

Niri'te decided to stay in the air, not wanting to get in trouble when the two brothers undoubtedly got caught abandoning their posts. She still kept an eye on them as well as observed the sky. She saw Lo'ak bounding up to a group of warriors that were unpacking and distributing Sky People's weapons amongst themselves. One of them gave a gun to Lo'ak, who turned to show Neteyam, unintentionally pointing the weapon straight at his chest. Neteyam shoved the gun away and took it from Lo'ak, scolding him.

Niri'te chuckled to herself at her brothers' antics, eyes returning to the surrounding sky just in time to see an enemy craft rounding the bend.

She let out a hollering cry, alerting those on the ground as the ship opened fire.

She ducked between oncoming missiles as she tried to get to cover, twisting and rolling in the sky as she nimbly avoided the attacks.

When she was a safe distance away from the attack but still close enough to see what was happening on the ground, did she see other ikran riders descending on the airship, bows drawn as they released their mightly arrows at the tawtute flying the craft.

Before the craft went down, it let loose its last missile. It made contact near a group of warriors that were still unloading weapons.

The explosion was nothing like Niri'te had ever seen. Debris flew everywhere and the shockwave that sounded left her ears ringing. She saw the warriors thrown into the air, swept off their feet by the explosion. She hoped they were alright.

Distantly she heard voices crackle over her earpiece, sure that she heard her father calling out to her brothers. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the ringing.

She circled in the air, diving down and landing at the edge of the massive crater created by the blast. She slid off Makita as she began to look for survivors.

She wasn't the only one as she saw Mr Norm hauling an injured warrior across his shoulders, bringing him to a pa'li mounted by another Na'vi. After passing off the injured, Mr Norm caught sight of her. He frowned but knew that she had at least a basic knowledge of first aid, so he said nothing as he went back to looking for more casualties.

Niri'te turned, eyes searching the shredded ground for the fallen. Finding one, she quickly made her way over.

The warrior was on her front, face obscured by her hair. Gently as she could, Niri'te turned her over to lay on her back. Her eyes scanned the warrior, finding long gashed across her torso and legs, luckily they weren't very deep. She checked for breathing as she took the warrior's hand.

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