heart on ice|one

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thank you and credit to the following people

thank you and credit to the following people

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they gave ideas and the title 😘🫶🏽

y/ns pov

january 14th 2023

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing at five thirty am. I wake up at that time every morning why because I had to go to my job. I hate that job with a passion I'm only in it because I need the money and my boyfriend wants me to. I work where my boyfriend does he is a professional soccer player for the national Mexican team. I get up and get my clothes and go to the shower. When I was done showering I dried my hair and put on my clothes then do my makeup. I decide to straighten my hair.

I was done and called my boyfriend Chucky Lozano. "hi amor what you doing" "nothing I just finished straightening my hair" I said as I was getting my keys to go to work. we talked the whole way over there when I finally arrive I hang up with him and go inside the first one to greet me was memo. Memo had something for me either that or he was just kind but he would always be kind to me, give me kind eyes and would smile at me. I gave him a hug and he gave me one "hi y/n" "hi memo" I work as a receptionist at the stadium.

I went to find the other members I greeted them I don't really have a best friend from the team but I do have an enemy Kevin Alvarez or as I call him guerito. Me and Kevin knew each other since we were  kids but I started hating him in the second grade. I told him a secret because he was my best friend but he told his friend and his friend told my class. They were in the fourth grade because Kevin is two years older than me but the whole second grade made fun of me.  I never forgave him because the class made fun of me. The secret was I had family problems but my family always seemed so happy and when I told Kevin he swore he would never tell anyone but he did.

I never talked to Kevin if I knew he worked here I would have never accepted or started dating Chucky but here we are as I skipped him he mumbled "bitch" "the fuck did I do to you" I said turning to look at him he stayed silent "that's what I thought" I said and walked away I never did anything to Kevin he did stuff to me so he should know why I skip him.

kevins pov

y/n walked away I felt bad because I fucked up really bad we were the best of friends until I messed it up when I told my friend her secret in the she trusted me with it and I told my friend and he told her class I ruined her family's image and made the rest of her school years hell she would get made fun of every day because of me.


3rd person pov

"Kevin can I tell you a secret" "of course" "promise you won't say anything" "promise" "my parents are arguing every day and my dad drinks a lot some times he screams at me and it makes me feel bad" "I'm sorry y/n" Kevin tells her and pulls her in for a hug y/n started crying while he hugged and comforted her.

the next day

when Kevin got to school he was in recess when he pulled his friend aside "hey can I tell you a secret" "yea" "you know y/ns family apparently her parents argue every day and her dad is always drunk and he yells at her" when Kevin finished telling his friend he laughed "aren't they like the perfect family" "they are liars" "dude you can't hang out with her anymore she's a freak" his friend walked away laughing at the situation.

later that day his friend told one of the second graders and the second grader told the other kids and everyone found out when they told y/n and laughed in her face she wanted to cry they told her they found out from Kevin she was furious, sad, hurt she trusted him and he betrayed that trust. after school she went up to him "Kevin I trusted you with my secret and you told every one what type of friend are you I hate you don't ever talk to me again" she stormed off leaving Kevin standing there in shock. he felt bad he knew he messed up.

she got home and sobbed into her pillow she didn't eat or leave her room. Kevin when he got home he told his mom what happened at school she was mad at him because he did that to the poor girl Kevin went to his room and cried because he had lost his best friend. he missed her and she missed him. over the years Kevin always had that guilt and never forgave himself because of what he did. that was his biggest regret in life loosing her.

present moment

kevins pov

I still haven't forgave myself for that y/n and Chucky met she was in middle school they officially started dating in her freshmen year. When he got famous and on the team he introduced her to the team and I instantly recognized her and she recognized me she avoided me as much as she could and I tried my best to talk with her but failed. they were toxic and argued a lot but she stayed with him because she loved him and he was the only one that didn't talk about her problems.

y/ns pov

I was on my break and went to go see how the boys were doing. Chucky was running with the ball not letting anybody get it. I was watching them practice until I felt a hand on may shoulder. it was Kevin "what do you want" I say as I take his hand of off me "I'm sorry y/n don't be mad at me please" "no Kevin you told my secret and made my school years hell I trusted you why would you do that I was depressed because I had lost you and my friends, my classmates told their parents and their parents told my parents and I got in trouble because I told you, you got me in trouble and my dad started to yell at me more than he did before" I was tearing up he needed to know the pain he caused me.

when I got to middle school the only person who didn't talk about my problems and the only person who wanted to be my friend was Chucky we talked every day and started dating when I was in ninth grade. I walked away from Kevin and went to the bathroom so I can fix my make up since I was now crying. as I was walking I ran into memo. he saw I was crying "what's wrong" "I just had a little argument I'm okay though" he gave me a hug I returned it because I really needed one.

"what the fuck!?" I heard someone say it was Chucky I recognized his voice already "so this is what we are doing cheating on me with my teammates huh!?" "no Chucky she was crying so I just-" "you thought just because she was vulnerable and you were there she would like you!?" "that's not what he is saying Chucky-" "shut up y/n you are hoeing around when I was the one supporting you, you are unbelievable ill deal with you later" he walked away "what does he mean with 'deal with you later'" "nothing but I really have to get back to work".

I was use to it already Chucky would always get jealous really easily.

new book🤗🤗
my gc gave me this inspiration love them for that😘
look out for chapters
also i have two other books and haven't updated them in a hot minute🧍‍♀️

a/nnew book🤗🤗my gc gave me this inspiration love them for that😘 look out for chaptersalso i have two other books and haven't updated them in a hot minute🧍‍♀️

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lemme syd🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

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