30 ☾ Challenge Accepted

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OMG, I'M BACK! I think I got the motivation to finish the book again because I started writing the story plot for Presto! (Which I am halfway finished with) and I was excited to start writing that book so yep. Although I mainly didn't write because I have been having some Mental problems in the past month because of stress with school and Orchestra, but I am feeling and doing a lot better now so yippee!! :) I think you guys will really really like these last chapters of the book because I have learned a lot more about writing and how to make it sound better I guess? Anyways, I hope you all enjoy these last chapters of this first book! <33

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                Lloyd's POV:


"Ew! Ew! Ew!" Harumi scampered away from the opening of the sewer and hid behind me "What? What happened?" I zipped my head around to look at her, she looked horrified "Harumi what happened?" I turned the rest of my body around and grabbed her hands while slightly lifting them trying to get her to look at me. "There was a rat! It-It was fat and it looked like it just came out of the nasty sewer water!" Harumi started to wail, I turned my head to the opening and saw nothing there.

"Harumi are you hallucinating or something? I didn't see anything." she stopped wailing and looked at me in disgust and anguish "Wow, are you saying that my eyesight is terrible?" I panicked trying to figure out what to say, I rubbed the back of my neck "Well no, I just- maybe it ran away?" I bashfully chuckled and mentally punched myself.

Harumi's scowl faded and she innocently smiled at me "When are the others coming?" she asked me "I'm not sure, but hopefully soon." I narrowed my eyes and looked around trying to see if the others were secretly approaching us. I saw only the abandoned streets of the once-bustling city. 

"Harumi the snake guards are starting to look around maybe we should hide." I started to see several snake guards searching around the borders of the castle, I felt that something big was happening inside that we needed to stop. I advanced to the entrance of the sewer and quietly fidgeted with the screws to open the entrance "Uh what are you doing?" I shushed Harumi and pulled her arm so that she crouched down next to me "We're going through the sewers,". A look of shock came across Harumi's face "Ew! No way am I going into a rat hole!" 

"Do you want to live?" I turned my head towards Harumi, she nodded slightly but huffed "Then you're going down the sewers." I went onto my stomach and started to army crawl through the entrance onto the pavement of the sewage system. "Come on Harumi." I could hear Harumi slightly mumbling as she struggled to crawl through the entrance, once I saw her hand I grabbed it and started to pull her through to the other side. 

"Im already feeling lightheaded from the smell." Harumi pinched her nose with her fingers trying to close off the smell of the sewers, I couldn't blame her. It did smell really bad. "Hold on, I'm going to try and contact the others so they know where we are" we both stopped and I took out my broken transmitter, I started to play with the wires trying to fix it. After a while of switching wires and putting things back in place, it started to work again.

"Guys? Can you hear me?" I started to hear indistinct chatter from the transmitter "Lloyd? Is that you?" 

"Yep it's me. Harumi and I are in the sewers. Some of the snake guards started to look around the castle so we opened the entrance. I think something big is happening so please come as soon as you can".  "Alright Lloyd, we'll get there don't worry." I sighed and sat down next to Harumi "The others are coming we just have to be patient," she nodded and started to rub her eyes, she slowly started to lean on my shoulder and soon enough, fell asleep. I put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer "Yeah, you're probably gonna need some energy for this,".

A little later I could hear some muffling and mumbling coming from the entrance, I opened my eyes and saw the rest of the group scrambling through the small opening that was in the wall. "Ok, we're all here now where do we go?"


                Pixal's POV:


I used my digital scanners to look around for an exit that would lead us into the palace "Look over there, there's an exit and if I'm correct it should lead right into the kitchen area of the palace!" the others looked up and saw the same ladder and exit that I was talking about. "Well let's go we have no time to waste!" Seliel started to push us so that we would go forward.

As the rest of the group was going up, I looked around to make sure that nothing was coming toward us. All I could see was Lloyd helping a tired Harumi onto her feet "Come on you two! We don't have a lot of time!" I motioned for them to both hurry up as Lloyd grabbed Harumi's hand and pulled her. Now that the whole group was up I could go up and seal the exit so that nothing could follow us. A bright purple glow came from behind one of the doors in the kitchen.

"We should probably hurry! We don't know what's going on in there!" Skylor yelled "Cole come on! Stop eating that cake, we're on a mission right now!" Seliel tugged at Cole as he set the piece of cake down. We opened the door and saw Amocleera attempting to combine the 2 relics to gain mind control over the universe, she spotted us and then smiled at us "You're too late ninja I-" she was then cut off in shock as Kai shot one of the relics with a fireblast. "Don't destroy it, Kai! A whole planet's existence relies on those!" I yelled to Kai "My bad, at least I stopped it tho!" he shrugged.

Suddenly, snakes started to rush into the room left and right "Oh come on!" Jay wailed "It's okay we can take them." Nya held up her trident and stabbed a couple of snakes here and did some wild punches on some other snakes there. About 5 snakes started to advance toward me, I did an uppercut punch on the first 2 knocking them cold on the floor, and did a leg sweep kick with the last 3, also having them unconscious.

Skylor was behind me, I saw a snake come from behind and I tried to warn her but 3 more snakes came on all sides of me so I couldn't stop it "Skylor watch out!" It was too late. The snake came from behind and picked her up, the snake then dropped her onto the floor hard causing a groan of pain come from Skylor. I landed a couple more punches on the last couple of snakes that were surrounding me and then ran over to Skylor "Are you ok?" I helped her sit up straight as she winced in pain "My arm, I can't move it!".

"Hold on, let's get somewhere safer so I can check your arm," I helped Skylor get onto her feet as we then walked out of the relics room once again into the kitchen. "I am going to scan your arm to check for any major injuries," Skylor slightly nodded, I gently grabbed her arm and scanned it. I sighed and looked up at her "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Skylor's face turned into a concerned one "Well it seems that your arm is uh, broken,". "What? Broken? How am I supposed to help now?!" I clenched my teeth and thought for a moment "Well even though you can't fight right now I suppose you could go back to the base and help the citizens there?".

Skylor sighed "Alright. Just make sure Kai knows where I am because he's gonna freak if he thinks I've gone missing," I nodded and told Skylor the directions to the base "Thanks Pixal,". Skylor unsealed the exit that we took from the sewers and climbed down in pain, I felt really bad for her.


               Seliel's POV:


Some punches here, some punches there, and bam! 10 snakes taken down by me, I feel so accomplished. I could see Amocleera looking around in shock and anguish as we were taking down the last snakes of her army "No! This is not supposed to happen!" Amocleera started to clench her snake fists and she turned a deep red color. She took one of the spears from the wall and then started to attack us, if I'm being completely honest she's not that bad of a fighter. "Come on guys!" Lloyd said as I put my fists up, Jay bolted to Amocleera but she whacked him with her tail making him fall to the floor and knock the air out of him.

"Jay!" Nya ran over to Jay and tried her best to help him get back up again but right then, Amocleera hit them both with a lot of force using the back end of her spear knocking them both unconscious. I started to get scared I looked over at Cole, and I then felt a sharp, stinging pain in my right leg, I looked down and saw a deep cut in my leg. My vision started to get blurry, my eyes started to close, and then I collapsed.

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