𝒙𝒊𝒊. time of great sorrow

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twelve. time of great sorrow

THE OLO'TEYKAN WAS DEAD, FOUND BY HIS DAUGHTER. When Neytiri shared the news with Juniper, the Vespera girl had no idea how to react. Seeing the leader's bow clutched in the woman's grasp made Juniper tear up. Travelling to the tree of souls, Juniper's mind was set on one thing and one thing alone. Jake Sully.

Seeing Grace's body being dragged by a couple Na'vi on the way to their destination, Juniper knew that the man had to drop as well. And Jake was in no sight of Juniper. He was out there, and when she tried to express her worry and determination to find the man to Neytiri, she shrugged the teenager off—not wanting to talk about such a sore topic. Juniper understood why Neytiri was so hell-bent on not wanting to think about Jake.

Jake was the man that knew what the sky people were planning to do. On top of that, Neytiri was scared, and Juniper saw right through her persona the woman bravely played. She was terrified for her people and sorrowful about her father's death. The time of great sorrow was upon the Na'vi.

Juniper sat with Neytiri in the front of the tree of souls as they chanted to their Great Mother—Eywa—for her help. Juniper mostly swayed along, not singing with the rest of the Omaticaya as she was too buried in her thoughts. The sound of strong flapping in the distance tore the girl back to reality. Juniper realised she wasn't the only one who heard it, but as the Na'vi stopped chanting and glanced back to where the sound originated from, dread filled their veins.

The sight of Toruk coming down on them at a quick pace sent everyone into a panic. Juniper yelled, gazing at all the people from the back as Toruk sent them back from the force of his wings landing. Juniper was quick to get up and shout warnings, "get down! Get down, now!" From the Na'vi she managed to maneuver to, she repeated what she said and aided them in ducking down.

As Juniper held a hand in front of her hand to control the harsh breeze, her figure straightened, and a smile etched on her face. Jake Sully, the man she was uncontrollably worried for, was mounted on the larger ikran. Toruk Makto was here to give hope to the people during a time of crisis. Jake jumped off the banshee, firmly landing on the ground and beginning to move through the crowd. Juniper wasted no time rushing towards the man.

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