17 // Rejection

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Everett knows Knox is a killer.

He's known it for a while now, and only recently has he accepted it, so he isn't sure why he reacts the way he does after hearing Knox's victim screaming bloody murder from inside the back of the van. It's as if Everett's been plucked from a twisted fairytale and thrown into a grisly thriller in the span of a few short hours.

The man screams again, this one sounding of pure rage, and Everett stumbles backward feeling sick at the stomach. His hands tremble, and his brow furrows in confusion while he stares at Knox.

"Why is there a man locked inside your van, Knox?" Everett's voice is barely above a whisper, but Knox hears him loud and clear. He says nothing in response, but his cruel eyes practically tell the entire story of his trip. "Who is he? What are you going to do to him?"

The man screams again, louder and more hysterical, almost as if to answer the question himself.

Everett jumps when the man resorts to kicking at the doors of the van, a futile attempt at freeing himself. Knox clenches his fists and mutters something under his breath before yanking open the doors and climbing inside. The following happens in a millisecond—Knox cursing in a gravelly tone that borders on something demonic, then the sound of something cracking like a glow stick, and finally... silence.

No more kicking.

No more screaming.

Knox exits the van and slams the doors shut. One look into Everett's panicked eyes is all it takes for Knox to read his mind. "I didn't kill him. Not yet."

"What did he do?"

"Just go back inside, Everett."

"Why are you going to kill him?"

"Damn it, Everett!" Knox snaps, raising his voice. Everett flinches in response, slowly taking a step back. "Can you stop questioning me and fucking do as I ask for once? The less you know, the better. We've been over this a thousand fucking times."

Everett blinks, perplexed.

Who is this man yelling at him right now? It isn't the Knox that he's become familiar with. It can't be. All warmth has been stripped from his voice, his body tight with tension and his stance the same as a wild bull getting ready to charge at its target.

Whatever Knox has done tonight, it evidently reopened something in him that not even Everett can tame. Everett knows it. Knox knows it too, and it hurts like hell to see Everett staring at him with the same tormented expression he'd worn when they first met after Shaun's murder.

Funny how those were simpler times compared to now.

"Please go back inside," Knox implores. "You've heard and seen enough tonight."

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