Denki x Deku

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Back story
A young Izuku (Deku) was three when his dad hurt him with cutting his face leaving two scars and blinding his right eye. His mom came home to this. His mom tried to get her husband off their son. But couldn't. So she flouted a frying pan from the kitchen to herself and with all her strength swing the frying pan. Hitting and knocking her husband at that time out. She grabbed Izuku (Deku) in her arms and ran out of the house. His mom got Izuku (Deku) to the hospital and they were able to help him. Well Izuku (Deku) was in surgery his mom got devores papers, a staining order that Izuku's (Deku) father can't come 100 feet of her or her son and papers to change her's and Izuku (Deku) names. She's now Inko and her son is Deku Midoriya. When Deku came back from surgery. He has two scars on his face/eye aria for the rest of his life and he's blind in the right eye. So he wears a eyepatch. When Deku was five he got his calming quirk. Deku was sad he would never be a hero he thought. When Deku was 7 Inko got remarried to a very nice man. His hero name is All Might. Deku was so happy. All Might adopted Deku as his son so his name is now Deku Might. Then when Deku was nine he was walking home from school and seen a group of kids picking on a yellow hair kid who's a year younger then him. Deku ran over to get them to stop. After a big fight the group of kids smashed glass in Deku's face and ran off. The yellow hair kid helped Deku get to the hospital. Deku need eye surgery again and this time wasn't good either. It injured Deku's eyesight he will need glasses to see. The yellow hair boy came to see Deku everyday in the hospital and Denki, Deku became friends from then on. Do to this injury Deku had to be in the hospital a long time so he was held back a grade in school. Deku is in the same grade as Denki now. The day Deku got his banges off. Denki, Inko and All Might was there. Deku with blurry eye seen Denki next to him and when he got his glasses Denki was there with him too. Two years before going to UA Deku asked All Might how he could be a hero like him? All Might said I can train you and pass my quirk down to you. So that day started his training. Denki doesn't talk about his home life so Deku doesn't know he's being abuse by his mom and his dad lefted after Denki's little sister got sick at a young age and died. Two months before going to UA Deku got OFA from All Might and his driver's license too. Then a car. Then a day after starting UA Deku came home to Inko died in the kitchen. The back door widow was broken and the door wide opened. Deku called All Might and he came home to Denki holding a crying Deku. Later they found out Deku's dad found them and killed Inko. So All Might moved Deku, him to a different house and Deku never goes home alone. Either Denki with him until All Might gets home or Deku goes home with All Might after school. Three months later after Inko's death they found Deku's dad and he's in jail now. So Deku can go home along now. On someday he has too. Deku has his hero licenses by now too. Deku is really good at cooking. Mainly because All Might is away on missions, seeing his friend in America or other reasons he not home. So Deku cooks for himself.

Chapter 1
A month prior in November Denki had enough of his mom's abuse. So he packed a bag and ran away. He been on the streets ever since. Its December now. One day Deku's car was in the shop so he had to walk home in the rain. It was a cold and blinding rain. Deku had his glasses off and was trying to run home in the rain. Denki was walking around after getting kicked out of a dumpster by the owner. Denki was cold, wet and feeling tired so he legged against a wall by the road Deku was going to cross. Denki was ready to pass out. Deku didn't see the car coming with all the rain. Denki seen him going to get hit so he ran out and pushed Deku out of the way. The car ran over Denki lefted leg, bracken it. Deku got Denki to the hospital. Denki was in the hospital over night. So Deku call to let All Might know he be staying with Denki. All Might was away in America to see his friend Dave. So Deku know he be home alone if he went home anyway. Denki had Hyperthermia from the cold rain and wasn't eating much so he was reel thin. Plus his leg broke. Denki talked in his sleep. Deku was next to him when he said mom I'm done with your abuse. I'm leaving even if I be on streets. Because I can't let my best friend Deku know about my home life. It broke Deku's heart to hear that from his friend. Deku got his car back the next day so Deku took Denki to his house after he got released from the hospital. Denki woke up in Deku's bed. He sat up and seen the crutches and his broken leg. Deku was downstairs talking to All Might when Denki came down. Denki sat down at the table with Deku. Deku got up still on the phone and got a plate of food out of the microwave. He placed it in front of Denki with chopsticks. It was two eggs and two bacon over rice with a peace of tote. Deku sat back down and said thanks dadmight you're the best. Denki started eating. Deku said yeah I brought Pikachu home with me and he has breakfast in front of him now. Because he just got up. Okay see you when you get home. We be asleep at that time when you get home so you have your key right? Okay good and love you too dadmight. Bye. Deku put his phone down on the table. He said how you sleep Pikachu? Denki finished chowing and said I slept okay thanks. Deku said do you remember anything from yesterday? Denki said no. Deku said you came out of no way and pushed me out of the way of a car I didn't see when I was running home in the cold rain. The car did run over your left leg. That's why you have a broken leg. Denki said oh wow. Denki then see he was in Deku's clothes and green hoodie. Denki said I'm in your clothes. Deku said yeah I'm washing your clothes and duffle bag you had. Why did you not tell me you were being abuse by your mom or that you been on the streets? Denki said how you fine out? Deku said last night at the hospital they kept you over night so I stayed with you and you talked in your sleep. You were talking to your mom telling her you are done with her abuse, you were leaving even if you be on streets. Because you can't let me know about your home life. We been close friends since I got these glasses from that injury. You were and are able to tell me anything Pikachu. Denki started crying said I'm sorry I hate my mom and I know about the stuff in your life with being there for some. I didn't want to bother you with my sad story. So that's why a month ago I left my mom and been on the streets. Deku said a month? I was thinking a few days at must. Denki was still crying so Deku walked over and knelt down in front of Denki. Deku said look at me Pikachu. Please? Denki looked at Deku. Deku said you are safe now. You're with me and when I told All Might about what I knew. You know what he told me? Denki shook his head no. Deku said he can stay with us and share your room with you. Now eat up and if you want more let me know I will make it for you. Deku went back to his chair and said with everything you went through and the hospital saying you wasn't eating much. I wish you came to me sooner. Denki said thanks Deku and I'm sorry. Deku said you don't need to be sorry. Just know you can come to me for anything. It could be as simple as you have nightmares, panic attacks or you over use your quirk and in you dumb state. I don't tell everyone but I wasn't quirkliss before dadmight passed his quirk down to me. I have a calming quirk if you ever need it. Denki said I do have panic attacks sometimes and nightmares so I will keep in mind your quirk even when I over use my quirk. Deku said I'm glade. I know I shouldn't of said I was quirkliss but I hated my calming quirk for must of my life. Thinking I would never be a hero with it being my quirk. Deku phone start ringing. Deku picked it up and seen it was Aizawa. Deku answered and said hi Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa said we are going on a mission to save a little girl from a villain called Overhaul. Deku said okay when do we leave? Aizawa said in two days. I will text you everything. Deku said thanks. Bye. Deku hung up text All Might then called Katsuki. Katsuki picked up and said what Deku? Deku said I have a mission to go on in two days. Dadmight will not be home by then yet so because Pikachu broke his leg and staying here now with me. I want to know if you are not going on the same mission. Would you be nice and come take care of Pikachu in two days well I'm gone? Katsuki has been Deku's friend since preschool and yes picked on Deku in middle school. But they are friends and one of the people who know Deku wasn't quirkliss growing up. Katsuki said what would I need to do? Deku said he's on coaches so make sure he doesn't fall and make his food for him. Katsuki said just those two things? Deku said well you two be going to school as well so maybe carry his books for him. Katsuki said fine. You said in two days.? Deku said yes. Katsuki said okay thanks. Bye. Denki said so Bakugou is going take care of me when you're gone.? Deku said yes he is. Denki said okay, and I hate to ask. Deku said it's fine, what's you need? Denki said I would like more food. Please? Deku said okay, what would you like? Denki said some of the eggs and bacon you gave me. Deku said okay and got up. Denki said I'm going to use the bathroom. Be back. Deku said okay. In the bathroom Denki was getting up and slide, falling on his back. Denki tried to get up on his own. Deku heared a noise so he went to check. He knocked on the bathroom door. Deku said you okay Pikachu? Denki reached up unlocks the door, opened the door and said can you help me? Deku said of course. Deku picked him up. Denki took his caches. Deku took Denki to the livingroom coach and sat him down. He put a pillow under Denki's leg and a pillow behide him too. Denki pulled the blanket off the back and put it over himself. Deku said if that's not worm enough I have others. Deku went to get Denki's his food. Deku came back out and put it on Denki's lap. Denki said thanks for everything. Deku said it's not a problem. I got some house work to do let me know if you need anything and let me know when you're done. I will take your plate. Denki said okay. Deku gave the tv remote to Denki and went to the kitchen. Deku was elbow deep in the dishes. Denki said Deku I'm done eating when you have time. Deku said okay be right there. Deku took his hands out of the water and dyed his hands. Deku came out and got the plate from Denki. Denki said where are your other blankets I need another one. I'm really cold for some reason. Deku said you had Hyperthermia from being out in the rain last night. Deku got another blanket from a closet. Deku said over your shoulders or lap? Denki said my shoulders. Thanks. Deku put the blanket around Denki's shoulders. They were face to face. Deku backed off and said sorry. Both boys were red. Deku walked off. Deku put the plate in the water. In Deku's head, shit I was so close to him. Why do I have this crush on him? He is a friend since we were kids. Plus I'm trying to get over my ex. For four months I was dating someone that didn't go to school at UA. We just brock up a week ago. But does Pikachu like boys? In Denki's head, I have a big crash on Deku for a while now. But does he even like me more then a friend. Or like boys to start with? In both of their heads, we were so close we could of kissed. Deku went back to doing dishes. Denki went back to watching TV. A few hours later Denki got uncomfortable and was getting a pain. Deku was coming up from the basement with the clean laundry. Denki didn't mean to scream out in pain. But he did. Deku ran up the rest of the stairs. Deku said Pikachu? Denki said sorry I'm uncomfortable and getting a pain. I need to move. Deku came over and helped him. Denki said thanks I know I'm asking for a lot. Deku said your fine Pikachu. It's not a big deal and plus you have a broken leg too. Deku smiled and said you saved my life physically twice and mentally many times. Like when my mom died you were there holding me well I cried and those months leading up to them finding my dad, you came home with me. So I wasn't alone. Then there's the time we become friends when we were kids and I ended up with my glasses. You got me to the hospital. Then yesterday pushing me out of the way of that car. You're like my guardian angel. Denki said you saved my from the bullys and now with me being homeless. All Might and you took me in to let me live here. Also that injury that you got your glasses only happened because you were standing up to the bullys picking on a younger kid. Deku said I don't care if you're a year younger then me. I seen you being picked on I chose to try to help you. I may of got hurt and need to be held back a grade. But I would do it all over again. Because I got you out of it. Look how our life together has been because of it. We saved each other. Denki said can I hug you? Deku said yes come here. Denki sat up more. They hugged. Denki said you're so worm. Deku said yeah I feel that. Man you're cold. I will make some hot tea. I be back. Deku made the tea and came back. Denki said thanks. He drank it. Deku said I'm done with what I need to do. We can sit together and watch Netflix or something. Denki said I didn't know you had Netflix, I been flipping trying to fine something. Deku said yeah, hit the house button. Denki did and it came up a menu. Then Denki seen three down was Netflix. Denki said come and sit behind me. He moved the pillow. Denki said your warmth with the tea and blankets. I'm finally feeling worm. Deku sat down and put his arms around Denki. They ended up falling asleep like that. Around 6pm Denki woke up feeling hungry. He tapped Deku and said hey Deku? Deku woke up and said yeah? Denki said I'm getting hungry and need use the restroom again. Deku took his arms away and looked at the time. Deku said its after 6pm. We fall asleep for four hours. So yeah I will make dinner. With Deku's help Denki got up and walked away to the bathroom. Deku went to make dinner. Denki came back and sat at the table in the kitchen with Deku. They got talking when Deku's phone rings. Deku picked it up and seen it's his ex - boyfriend. Deku said why is he calling? We broke up a week ago. He can go fack himself. Denki said I can take care of him if you want? Deku said sure anything for him to stop calling me. Deku gave his phone to Denki to answer and he said hi. The ex said who's this? Denki said why, who's this? The ex said I'm was calling my boyfriend Deku. Denki said that's funny he told me you two broke up a week ago. So that makes you his ex. That's why his with me now and he's more happier then with you. The ex said you're dating Deku now? Well have fun with that he has a lot of problems from his past. Also I found out he and mom had to change their names when he was three. I don't know why but it's odd don't you think? Denki said fuck off and died. He has been through a lot in his life. He hung up. Deku said wow okay. What did the prike say to set you off. You never cussed. Denki told him. Deku said how he fine out? Deku sat down and was having a panic attack. Denki said Deku what's wrong? He got up and went over to Deku. Denki put a hand on his shoulder. Deku pulled Denki onto his lap and hugged him. Denki said I'm here, calm down and talk to me. Deku finally could. He said my father. My mom's husband before dadmight. The one who gave me my scars on my right eye and blinded my eye too. My mom to try to hide us from him change our names. I was Izuku for three years of my life. My father started hurting me and cut my face. Denki said the one who killed your mom and is in jail now? Deku said yes. I just wanted to put that behind me but if he know it might get out... Denki said Deku you are safe I'm here with you and nothing will happen. Deku blinks and seen he had of pulled Denki on to his lap out of fear. Deku said I'm sorry. Deku slide his arm under Denki's legs and got up. Put him back in chair and then Deku went over to finish dinner. Well eating dinner Denki said I knew you date someone that didn't go to our school and you broke up last week. But I didn't know you were into guys. Deku said yeah for a few years now. Denki said okay I'm happy for you. At bedtime, Denki had some trouble going upstairs so Deku came up behind him and took him up the rest of the way. Denki came to Deku's room from the bathroom. Deku said I have my coach you can sleep on or if you're still cold you can be on the bed with me like when we were kids. Denki sat on the couch and said I will try and sleep here. But thanks. Deku said okay, I be here if you need anything. Deku took off his glasses, eyepatch and turned off his lamp. Then he layed down. During the night Denki had a nightmare about being back with his mom. Deku got up without his glasses or eyepatch and came over to Denki. Deku said Pikachu wake up, it's just a nightmare. She's not here. Denki opened his eyes and shot up crying and hugged Deku. Deku hugged him, started rubbed his back and said sh, sh, sh I'm here. Denki choked out calming quirk. So Deku said okay and used his quirk. His hands on Denki's back started to glow. Five minutes later Denki was fine. Deku said you okay now? Denki said yeah but help me to your bed. Deku picked Denki up and brought him over to his bed and sat him down on the bed. Deku got on the other side of him by the wall. Denki layed down next to Deku and Deku put the blanket over them both. It's a double bed so they had room to be lay there together. Denki said thanks and closed his eyes. Next morning Denki woke up and Deku was lying facing him with his hands in front of him. Denki slide his hand in one of Deku's hands. Deku closed his hand around Denki's hand and held it. Denki whispered thanks Deku you are the best. Denki closed his eyes to sleep some more. Later Deku woke up and seen they were holding hands. Deku whispered I love this. But did you do it out of comfort or do you like me back. I may never know. Deku went to get up and Denki woke up too. Denki said morning Deku. Deku said I'm sorry if I woke you. Denki said it's fine. We need to go eat. Deku said yeah. Denki said I think this is the first time seen you without your eyepatch on. Deku got up and got his eyepatch, glasses and put his phone in his pocket of his sleeping pants. Deku said I think so, I don't show my eye much. With it being just a milking white and soulless. But I'm going get a shower then I be back, we both can get dressed and we can go downstairs for breakfast. Denki sat up and said okay. How am I going take a shower? Deku said I know I put a bag over your leg. You stand on your good leg and shower like normal. Denki said sit near by so if I fall you can help me? Deku said okay we can. After both of them showered and got dressed. They went downstairs and Deku made breakfast. Deku said last night you found out I like boys. That I'm bisexual to say, what are you into? If I may ask? Denki said no it's fine. I haven't dated before but I feel like I have a crash on someone in class. He is really cute and very nice. I also miss his smile. He doesn't smile like he use too. Ever since we meet my heart does small Explosion everytime I see him. Deku said okay, well I just got out of a very bad relationship but I have a crash on someone too. But for now I'm not say anything to them. If they tell me they feel the same then maybe. But I'm not right now. That night for dinner Katsuki and Shoto came over. The four of them sat down to eat. Deku said how's your two weekend been? Shoto said mine been fine. Katsuki said I been with shity hair so it been good. Denki said who? Deku said its Kirishima his boyfriend. He should stop with shity hair now they are dating. But I'm not the one in that relationship so I cant stop Kacchen calling him shity hair still. Katsuki said he does have a cute nickname for me. He calls me pebble. So I may call him teddybear now we're dating. Deku and Shoto said okay who are you and what happened to the Katsuki/Kacchen we know? Denki laughs. Deku said that's good Pikachu. Katsuki said I'm the same Katsuki that I'm always have been. It's just... I really do love him so I'm giving him a good nickname. It's like you call Denki Pikachu since we were kids. It a good nickname for your friend. I call Shoto here icyhot I think it's a good nickname. It goes for both of his quirks. Deku said that's how I thought of Pikachu. As a kid we both liked that show Pokémon. It had a Pikachu on there and you know Denki's quirk is like Pikachu. So ever since that's been his nickname. Like if Shoto okay with it I would call him peppermint. Because of his hair. Shoto said I be fine with that. Katsuki said it's like your nickname as Deku. Deku said its not a nickname that's my name. Katsuki said your real name isn't Deku. Deku said drop it. You know I had to change my name as a kid. Shoto said I thought your name was Deku. Deku said I had to change to Deku as a kid because something that happened. Now can we please just drop it. Katsuki said Deku really. The guy is in jail you can go back... Deku yelled Katsuki Bakugou you don't have trauma from your name so its easy for you to say, oh just go back to being Izuku, it don't matter your dad cut your eye to blind it and hurt you until you were three. I'm done. Pikachu you need me I will be in our room. Deku walked off. Katsuki said I didn't know he had trauma from his name. Yes I know what his dad did to him. Denki said he even had a panic attack yesterday when his ex boyfriend called and said he know he changed his name but don't know why he had too. And you call him your friend. Denki got his crotches and got up. Denki got to the bottom of the steps and yelled up, Deku I'm coming up. Deku said you need help? Denki said I'm trying. Deku came out of his room as Denki was half way up and miss step and fall. Deku came running down. Denki know he couldn't stop but he brot his broken leg to his chest and held on well falling. Deku said Pikachu... Denki was dazed when he stop falling. But he was still holding his leg. Deku knelt down and put Denki 's head in his lap. Deku was patting him on his cheek and saying Pikachu come back. Denki lot go of his leg and said I hurt. But I'm fine. Deku said I'm glad. You should of let me come help you. Denki said I was trying to do it myself. Manly because I don't think well you're gone, Bakugou would carry me upstairs so my only two options are go up myself or be on the couch when you're gone. Shoto and Katsuki came out of the kitchen to Denki's head on Deku's lap. Denki's lags were on the steps. Katsuki said is he okay at let? Deku said he seems to be. Shoto said that's good. Deku said when you're ready I will help you up. Denki said yeah help me up please. Denki put his arm around Deku's neck. Deku slide his one arm under Denki's legs, the other one his upper back and got up with Denki in his arms. Deku said where do you want me to take you? Denki said are you going back to our room? Katsuki said I'm sorry Deku can we all go back to eating and talk? Deku said you're going drop my past? Katsuki said yes and I'm sorry. Deku said okay and he walked to the kitchen with Denki. Shoto got the crashes. They went back to eating. Shoto went home in two hours. Deku, Denki and Katsuki talked in their room. Then they went to sleep. Katsuki slept on the couch in Deku and Denki room. Deku and Denki slept on the bed. Next day Deku, Kirishima, Asui and Uraraka meet up with Aizawa in their hero suits. After a long bottle, they saved the girl. Deku, Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki got hurt like in the anime. Mirio lost his quirk and Nighteye died. When Deku woke up Shinso and Denki was sitting there. Katsuki was coming in with hot tea for him, Denki and hot coffee for Shinso, Deku. Deku sat up, got his eyepatch, glasses from Denki and drank his coffee. After a hour Katsuki said I'm going to see teddybear now. I'm glad you're okay Deku. Oh my parents brot your car over so when you go home with Denki you can drive. Denki said I have your keys. Deku looked and around Denki's neck his keys. Deku said thanks Kacchen. Katsuki said yeah, yeah whatever. Deku said Kacchen before you go. Katsuki said yeah? Deku said during Kiri's fight the bracelet you gave him got broke. So he doesn't have it anymore. Katsuki had a small Explosions go off in his hands and said thanks for letting me know. It just mean I need to get him another one. It was just a gifted for our anniversary of being together. Deku said not a problem. Katsuki lefted. Aizawa and Mic came in. Mic said it's good you're okay. Deku said yeah. How's the girl? Aizawa said she okay now. Also we're adopting her soon. Shinso said a little sister, okay. Deku said you want help babysitting or for some reason Shinso cant you know I will if I'm free too. Aizawa said thanks Deku. Shinso said what's my new sister's name? Deku said isn't Eri? Aizawa said yes it is. Shinso said okay that's cute. Shoto then walked in. Deku said hi peppermint. Shoto said hi Deku, good to see you are okay. Deku said thanks. A day later Deku was able to go home. Denki stayed at the hospital with Deku. The next day when Deku went home with Denki he asked how the two days was with Kacchen taking care of him? Denki said I slept on the couch and Bakugou slept in the chair in the livingroom. He did try picking me up and tried walked behind me trying to go upstairs but neither work out. But other wise it was fine. Deku said that's good. Two day later All Might came home at midnight. Deku was up calming Denki down from another nightmare. All Might knock on their door. Deku said dadmight you can come in. All Might opened the door. Deku was holding Denki in his arms well he cried on his shoulder. Without his glasses or eyepatch on. All Might said I seen your light so I came to check and let you know I'm home. Deku said okay thanks for let us know. Pikachu woke up from a nightmare so I'm calming him down. All Might said okay. Also you're not wearing your eyepatch, you haven't done that since you were little. Deku said when Pikachu woke up screaming from his nightmare I jumped out of bed and came over to calm him down. Is it that bad? I'm sorry. Deku closed his right eye and put a hand over it. All Might said oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way. It's fine. All I was saying is I haven't seen you without it seen then. Deku said I know I'm ugly with my eye like this. I had three boyfriends they lefted me and my crush doesn't want to be with me. Denki said you're not ugly Deku and don't anyone tell you that you are. Deku said thanks Pikachu. All Might said in the morning before school I have some news to share with the two of you. They both said okay. Next morning All Might tells them they are building dorms and he as their parent signed the papers so they both be in the dorms when they are done. They said okay. Deku said Pikachu you can come to my dorm anytime you need me. Denki said okay, thanks.

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