The Newcomers

25 1 6

Tuy'li POV

I've been avoiding lessons since I got home. Everything reminds me of her. My ma'. She always told me to be fierce and courageous, I have been ,but its just been hard. My brother and I have gotten closer though ,and I know that makes ma' happy even though she isn't here to tell us that herself. We just arrived yesterday to Metkayina, everything is the same nothings changed since we left. I think that makes it harder for us because everything reminds us of our mother.
She was a great warrior unlike my bastard of a father. Anyways I'm not ready to talk about them. Not yet.
Everything seems just like we left it ,but except there has been some newcomers. The Sully family. I haven't gotten a chance to meet them ,but I've heard rumors saying that they're from the forest and they have features that differ ancient them from us. I'm not gonna lie I've been intrigued every since the rumors started ,but I know I'll see them eventually.
I want to seek some guidance ,so I'm planning on going to an old cliff where my ma' use to always take me. We would go out there every time my fucking father came home smelling like booze. She said it helped her forget and take her mind off things. That's exactly what I want right now. I want to start fresh and hopefully people have forgotten. I need them to. I can't deal with the hurt. Not again. She's not here anymore to take care of us ,so I need to be strong.

"I'll be back", I yell to my brother as I pull my hair up into a ponytail.

"Okay, just be back before dinner. I love you li", he answered.

"Love you too", I say making sure to grab my bag and a dagger as I head outside.

The cool breeze of air hits me before I see it coming. A shiver rolls down me. I forgot how cold it could get in the afternoon. I head my way to the cliff, if I remember correctly it's a few miles away. No one should be there at this time. Very few people know about it, you would only be able to find it accidentally and even that is quite unusual. I make my way up the path, as memories of my old child hood friends come back to me. I missed this. My home. It feels different now that ma' isn't here. That's why I need to go to the cliff. Alone.

I make my way up the old path. I forgot how beautiful the view is up here. A weird chill runs down my spine as I sit on a old swing that my ma' build when I was younger. It creaks beneath my wait. I look out and take a long deep breath. " I really miss you ma'. It's been so hard without you" I say as a tear rolls down my face.

A  male's cough comes from beside me. I stand up and turn around and press my dagger to the tall figure's throat. The guy is taller ,but height has never been something to back away from. I thought I would be alone here. How foolish of me. It's been years since I've come here; of course more people would know about this place. I look up and meet his gaze. A puff of smoke escapes his lips as I look down I notice a cigar in his right hand. A hand that has five fingers. Weird. His hand is big. I shake my head. Focus Tuy'li you don't even know this creep ,but of course, this place is now where druggy's hang out. I also notice his dark blue complexion.

"You must be the new comer," I say as I put my dagger down "you startled me."

"I can tell" he says letting out another puff of air. Unfazed my the dagger that was just in his throat . Interesting.

"You shouldn't creep up to people like that you know." I say unamused by his presence.

" I thought I would be alone here too you know. I'm not amused my your presence either. I came here to be alone. Instead I find you talking to yourself" He says rolling his eyes and looking down at me.

Our eyes meet again and it's like time stops. He's really handsome and looks around my age. He is tall and lean. His tail is different than mine thinner. Weaker I suppose. His gaze roams all over me and it's as like I can no longer breathe. His gaze is all over me and lingers a bit longer on my chest than necessary. Then, his eyes are back on mine a small smirk on his lips.

I go back and sit on the swing over with this conversation. I wanted to seek some type of closure today; instead all a got was a druggy new comer.

I put my dagger back in my bag and close my eyes taking another long breath. The stench of smoke feeling my lungs. Uggghhhh. This is just perfect.

The guy walks out closer to me and goes in-front off the cliff. Looking down it almost looks likes he's grieving . Weird. I Wonder what happened to him.

I take a look around taking in the old cliff. It looks the same just older. The weeds are long and not as vibrant most of the flowers look dead. I could come and fix that later and make it more alive.

A sniffle escapes the guy in-front of me as I look up I see a tear on his face. What is up with him?

"Are you-"

"Don't," he says harshly

"I didn't come here to be talking to you. I rather be alone right now" he says harshly with a sigh

"By all means leave. You'll be doing me a favor" I say annoyed by his attitude. Just because he is grieving or whatever the hell is going on with him doesn't give him  the right to be a bitch to me.

"Oh fuck off" he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

What the hell is his problem? He is being so rude. I was just trying to see if he was okay. Whatever I don't care. I shouldn't care. I don't have time for his bitchy attitude. But I want to know what's up with him.

"Oh come on what the-" I am cut off by his attitude.

"What the fuck do you not understand that I want to be alone. Can you shut the fuck up. You know what whatever. I'll just leave," he says without even glancing back

Now what the hell is that guys problem?

Authors note: Hope you like it 🫣. I tried it's gonna be a little enemies to lovers maybeeee. Btw Lo'ak is being a bitch because he lost his brother (this is after the movie) but she doesn't know that yet. They are both kinda grieving so they might be very closed off. I want to make Lo'ak jealous tho idk how I won't spoil it. I have a lot of ideas and they'll probably be changing a lot. Thank you for reading <33

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