𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. only love can hurt like this

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thirteenonly love can hurt like this

            CLAN AFTER CLAN, THEY ASSEMBLED TOGETHER BY TORUK MAKTO TO BRING JUSTICE AGAINST THE SKY PEOPLE. Juniper knew that with Jake being Toruk Makto, they were in good hands. But sitting next to the tree of souls, the Vespera girl felt nothing but unease. She prayed to Eywa, hoping Grace was resting well as her mind was stuck on the first moment she met the scientist.

      Juniper sat with her knees firmly tucked to her chest as her fingers danced around the gauge that was wrapped around her torso where she had been shot. She glanced at the sky with a tear trailing down her cheek, her only thoughts being: is this all that the second life Juniper was given was about? Being locked away and experimented on without her consent?

      Shutting her eyes tightly to stop more waterworks from falling down, Juniper realised how much she wished to stay dead rather than this. Anything but this. A click at the door, the sound of it opening, caused the girl to tense her body. She bared her teeth, watching as a woman with a lock of red hair walked inside. The woman held out her hands, opposing as a non-threat, yet Juniper hesitantly got up on her feet in a crouched position.

      She was slow, a grimace on her face when she moved her position. Grace saw the bandage wrapped around her torso and sighed, moving closer to the girl, "it's okay, I'm not here to hurt you," Juniper didn't listen but instead kept the heavy glare on her face, "I'm here to help you. I'm a scientist, and I know people like you that can help."

      Juniper settled. The Vespera girl didn't want to believe the woman, who was obviously a scientist, in case she was lying. But as Juniper stared into her eyes, all the child saw was the sincerity and the raw honesty leaking from her voice that made Juniper hopeful—a phantom of a smile meeting her face, "'people like me'?"

      The kid questioned, and Grace knew she had Juniper's trust as she bent down to the Vespera girl's level, her eyes switching between the gauze and her eyes, "yes. The Na'vi. There's a clan of them in the forest, and I know they would wanna help you," Juniper smiled, and Grace noticed how it was lopsidedly, the side of her canines showing, "I wanna help you. Can you trust me to do that?"

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