𝒙𝒗𝒊. more than just a fairytale

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sixteen. more than just a fairytale

THE NIGHT SKY CASCADED DOWN ON THE GROUNDS OF PANDORA, THE STARS ABOVE SHIMMERING ITS GRACIOUS LIGHT. Juniper stared into the sky, her eyes holding a sense of calm and tranquillity. Breathing the air of the surroundings near her with the plants glistening, the leaves of the trees softly glowing, and the skin of the Na'vi illuminated its hue of glory. The Vespera girl had her knees tucked close to her chest as her head laid against the man's shoulder next to her.

Jake was also peering up at the sky with a deepened fear that he'd see the lights of the sky people returning back to Pandora. Juniper could sense the stress from the Sully man, yet didn't question it. The Vespera girl noticed a lot of the time when Jake was wary. Every time he'd come to visit Juniper from the tree of souls, Juniper noticed the anxious behaviour of Jake increasing. And it worried the girl.

She sighed heavily, moving her gaze from the sky and lifted her head from Jake's shoulder. Jake glanced next to him from this action, feeling at peace as he stared into the golden eyes he missed dearly. The Sully man found out that coming to the tree of souls—whether it was to relive the memories that Juniper and he shared or whether it is times like this that it was actually Juniper sitting next to him—was his comfort. But, he'd hate coming back to the world that the Vespera girl was no longer a part of.

Although, whenever Jake would come to see the girl—which was as much as he could with the new responsibilities of being Olo'teykan of the Omaticaya since the passing of Tsu'tey, and Neytiri being pregnant with his first child—he'd update her on all the things that happened since he last visited. Juniper would listen, not daring to interrupt the man as he was intrigued to let the girl know of the stories he experienced.

At first, Jake would tell the girl how difficult it was without her, not being able to move on. But as time passed, Juniper began to see the old Jake shine through the new, pained man. It brought Juniper some contentment to see that he was beginning to accept her being gone, but the two knew deep down that he could never fully fall into acceptance, especially with his frequent visits to the tree of souls.

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