chapter one-Jade-

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I've always been told that when you break a this...thing will come after you. There is also a rumor going on around school about some monster.
"Did you here about Sammy?"
"And Lola!?"
"Their saying it was the 'monster'"
When I was younger, boy was I a believer about the silly rumor. Except, now I'm in middle school and why would anyone beleive such a silly rumor?...yea, I wish I never did what I did. My name is Jade, I am best friends with Tory, Amy, Elizabeth, Violet and Rose. We all fo to the same school, but aren't always in the same class. Neither of us have believed the rumor since we started middle school.
People at school are going missing, not a single trace. The other kids at school are saying it's because they broke a promise, but me? Nope, not a chance, I try to convince myself that there is a different answer to the sudden disappearances, but every time someone else goes missing, it gets harder and harder to stick to my reasoning.
One afternoon once school was out, I wanted to know what would really happen when you broke a promise-nothing, right?-. I decided to go over to Amy's and ask her to tell me a secret. "Okay?" She said, a little confused by the sudden curiosity.
"Well, one time I was at the museum with my aunt when I was little. We were looking at a vase and I decided to put my hand inside when my aunt wasn't looking, si the second she turned away I grabbed the vase...a little to fast and dropped it. Well apparently it was a very prized artifact and I either had to pay in 100k or I could go to jail, I had no where near the amount of cash I needed so I thought I was going to be arrested at five years old. Luckily my aunt bailed me out of that situation. Don't tell anyone"
She finished and I ran over to Tory's since she was the first person that came to mind.
I knock on the door and Tory answers. She seemed to be expecting me.
"Come on in Jade"She sighed as I walked through the door.
"I have the best story to tell you about Amy!"
I said to her. Rather than just standing there like I had expected, Tory grabbed my arm and practically dragged me up the stairs to her bedroom. She sat me down in a chair and looked me up and down.
"Go on.." She gestured for me to start talking.
I told her almost exactly what Amy had told me and once I finished Tory looked horrified... I thought she would have laughed?
"You okay Tory?" I asked. She seemed stunned.
"Yeah. Fine, fine." She assured. "Okay then"
I got up to leave but fell to my knees, my legs felt like rubber and I couldn't see straight. I lie on the ground, in shock? Suddenly a horrible image enters my mind...a snake? A monster? A little bit of both?
"I will kill you Jade" It's raspy voice whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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