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a/n ~ just because I'm curious... how old do you guys think I am?

predictions on what you think will happen? will Y/N survive? how will she survive?



Did I just fucking die?

Don't tell me. Oh, my god. I did die, didn't I?

There I was, hovering dumbfoundedly over a vision of Tsireya weeping over my corpse. This was taking "over my dead body" a little too far. Flabbergasted, my brain gears began overworking to make sense of it all.

Seriously?! This is such an inconvenient time to die!

I stamped my foot in the air very impatiently. "Great Mother, is this some kind of joke?"

No answer. Classic.

Can I be a ghost? I asked mentally, but Eywa was obviously ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. I'm so gonna haunt Spider if I turn into a ghost. Ooo, that'd be fun actually. I want to be a ghost now. Pleeeease, instead of sending me to some Nature-heaven, send me back as a ghost? Wait, actually, do I even qualify for Eywa-heaven? Am I going to hell?

Sorry, but this was a confusing time for me. Imagine waking up dead and seeing people crying over your body while you're watching them, presumably dead. Yeah. Like I said, flabbergasted.




The soft sound of shoes hitting metal floors reached my ears. I spun around with alert.

"Who are you?" I asked with a trembling voice. The world around me shifted and spiraled, morphing slowly into the Cove of the Ancestors. I could breath underwater perfectly fine, for some reason. Perks of being a spirit, I guess. The vision of Tsireya, Lo'ak, and the others crowding over me vanished.

"Are you here to take me to wherever I go when I die?" I demanded. I had nothing on me to defend myself, but this person didn't look dangerous at all. In fact, I would definitely win in a fight.

She was human, firstly. I towered over her. Easy advantage. However, she had short red hair and a white lab coat on, two things I couldn't place well in my mind. Something about the way she smiled at me and the way her eyes twinkled were so familiar. It almost looked like a friend of mine...

"You're not Eywa, are you?" I asked aloud. "Are you? Firstly, I never thought she'd be a Sky Person, and secondly, I never thought she would be a redhead, but ok nice to meet you—"

"Relax, kid. I'm definitely not Eywa." the woman spoke in an amused voice. "Just a mere messenger."

"Oh. A messenger?" I frowned as my brain raced overtime. "Are you here to take me to where the unalived peeps reside? Ooh, actually, can you direct me to where I can transfer into a ghost? There's someone I want to haunt and scare the shit out of."

"You've got strength, kid, I'll give you that." The woman commented, shaking her head and smiling. "But I'm afraid you can't go back as a ghost."

"That's unfortunate."

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