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I sat on my bed staring outside my window, I watched the rain drops run down the window. I saw my owl flying towards my window, I hurriedly opened my window for the owl.

"thank you" I said grabbing the letter from the owl. I started to read the letter it was from my bestfriend, Draco Malfoy. I walked out of my room with the letter in my hand.

"dad?" I said coming down the stairs. I got to the end of the steps, seeing my father in the armchair reading the newspaper. "dad?" I said again.

" Yes y/n?" My father said dropping the newspaper on the side table

" Draco is going to meet me at the train station here soon," I said " so i'm leaving soon". I looked down at my feet, waiting for his response

"okay then" He said grabbing the newspaper again 

I walked back up the stairs and started packing my things in my trunk for Hogwarts. I set my trunk by the stairs and shut my door. I walked down the stairs with  my luggage in hand, I looked over at my dad who was still reading the paper. I set my luggage in the fireplace and looked at my dad. 

"bye dad" I said stepping inside the fireplace with my luggage in hand. 

" Goodbye y/n, I will see you at school" He said tilting down the paper a little

I grabbed some floo power from the side of the fireplace, my dad looked at me before looking back at the paper once again. I felt there was more to say, I dropped the floo power back in the bucket, I walked over to him and grabbed his hand making him stand up.

"y/n,what are you doing?" He said staring at me

I pulled my dad into a hug, I knew he wouldn't hug me back but I felt like I needed to hug him. 

"I love you dad" I said into the hug. I pulled away from him and walked into the fire place.

 ~Little time skip~

" Hi draco" I said sitting down next to him

"hey y/n" Draco said smiling at me 

"so are we just nothing to you, y/n" Vincent said looking at me and draco. I rolled my eyes at Vincent.

I grabbed a book out of my tote bag on the floor and put my back on Draco's arm. Draco moved him arm to under my chin.

" I hope you guys know, you look like a bloody couple" Gregory said laughing with Vincent. My face went bright red and I laid more into Draco's body. 

"You got a problem with it Goyle?" Draco asked while glaring at them. They stayed quiet the rest of the train ride. We had gotten off the train and started walking into the Great Hall. I had sat next to Draco while Vincent, Gregory and Pansy sat on the other side of us. 

" Hi Pansy, how was your summer" I asked looking down at my plate

" It was okay, it was really boring without you though" She laughed

" Pansy can I talk to you about something ?" Draco asked looking towards her

" um yeah sure" Pansy said looking at me confused. I shrugged my shoulders.


I walked to are common room with Vincent and Gregory, looking back at Draco talking to Pansy. 

" Night guys" I said walking up to the girls dorm, It was always just me and Pansy in the room together. 

" Night y/n" Vincent said

I threw my tote bag down on the floor next to my bed, I fell on my bed and put my head on my pillow. 

"Y/n, guess what?" Pansy said running into are room and giggling

"What? Is something wrong?" I said sitting up

"Draco likes someone..." She said sitting on my bed " and your never gonna guess who." 

"who in the bloody hell does he like?" I said putting my hands on her shoulders

" You can't say that I told you, you promise?" She said putting her hand out

" I promise, I promise, just tell me!" I said shaking her 

" Okay okay, he likes.." She said. 

I looked at her waiting for an answer

"Y/n, he likes you like a lot" She said with a smile on her face. I had a huge smile on my face, I fell back on my bed giggling. "Oh my gosh! you like him to y/n"

Me and pansy had talked for awhile giggling about who we liked until the morning.

"You like goyle!?" I said laughing

" shut up you like Draco!" She said laughing even harder  " I just got the best idea ever y/n" 

"what? I swear if it's something stupid" I said looking at her with a smile

" You should ask out Draco" She said 

" If I ask out Draco then you should ask out Goyle" I said smiling

" That sounds like a deal" She said putting out her hand. I shook her hand.

A/n: this was my first time writing so tell me what you think about it!! Thank you !!! 

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