~The Beginning~

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{A/n~ this is my first proper story so it might not be as good but I do try and do my best. This story is about y/n Diggory x Fred Weasley. I hope you enjoy}

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Y/n woke up to the sound of her brother barging in through her bedroom door.

"Why are you still asleep it's 7:00 am get up!" Cedric beamed. He then walked over to y/n's bed before dragging her duvet off of her onto the floor.

"Noo im not getting up!!!" Y/n groaned curling up into a ball before sliding off her bed. Cedric gave his sister a  stern look.

"Cmon get up, you have to pack for your first year at Hoggs!" He said while heading to y/n's door dragging inside her trunk before walking out of her room to go and finish packing his stuff.

Their parents wouldn't let y/n go to hogwarts but they soon gave in so y/n was joining Cedric in 3rd year.

"Would he just stop calling it that its so annoying!" Y/n said while standing up walking over to her desk. The girl picked up her things and placed them into her trunk.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

{A/N~ this is only a little time skip as y/n was only packing her trunk and I hope you've been liking this story so far!}

"CED!!" Y/n beamed down the stairs to get him to help her with her trunk as she could only just drag the trunk to the top of the stairs. She waited for her brother to help her. Cedric slowly walked up the stairs.

"I hope you get into Hufflepuff like me, besides it is the best house" Cedric exclaimed before he took y/n's trunk downstairs.

Cedric and y/n didn't get along very well but to make matters worse they were twins! y/n didn't really find Cedric very interesting that much, at Hogwarts Cedric had all the girls drooling over him but she found it a bit weird.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

{A/N~ sorry this part is so small I haven't found time and this is only the first part and there are more to come now so don't think it will stop here, I'll update later}


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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Y/N DIGGORY  X FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now