Entry 6

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Dear y'all,

No I haven't lost my mind - yet. But then again, I'm like talkin' to myself in this thing, so I guess I might have lost ma mind. But then again, how would ya know if you've lost ya mind? Because like, you'd have lost your mind so ya wouldn't really know your mind so ya wouldn't really know if ya have lost ya mind, so the whole concept of losin' ya mind is like, total bull. But ya don't really lose lose ya mind, otherwise ya have no mind, unless you had no mind to begin with, so how would ya lose it? Like that tree I was talkin' about earlier... ahh, that tree...

I walked past it earlier today, to like, see if it was still talkin'... wait, I'm not even sure it was like, talkin' in the first place. ARG! This is like, so not workin' out for me. If only I like, had someone to talk to y'all, like y'all, but then y'all ain't real so I'm like, talkin' to myself... which brings me back to the whole losin' your mind concept stuff... But anyway, back to this tree.

So I walked past the tree singin' to myself, like normal people do when it's raining, and like, I heard this low humming sound. At first I thought it was a cat... cats here sometimes hum, as weird as that may sound. But yeah, it was hummin' and I was like, freakin' and then I like fainted.... JOKES! I never fainted but still, I was creeped out...

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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