004 || Yawntutsyìp

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Going to the labs wasn't such a strange thing for Niri'te, she had spent a lot of her childhood there, either going for her check-ups or visiting her real mother with Kiri and their father. Niri'te didn't quite like the latter, having the words Kiri hissed at her face still floating in her mind.

"There is no way we can be related. My mother would never give birth to a freak like you. "

So it was safe to say that she didn't like those visits. Jakesully had tried to understand her hesitation, he obviously knew of the hostility between the two girls. Still, he couldn't wrap his head around why Niri'te wouldn't want to see her mother.

Niri'te was shaken from her thoughts as Lo'ak came bounding up to her, Spider not far behind.

"Hey, mom told me to remind you that you have a check up today," he said, stopping next to where she was organising some herbs for her grandmother. "She wanted to tell you this morning but you ran off so,"

"Okay," she nodded, setting down a prickly red root. "You wanna come with me?"

She watched Lo'ak debate the question in his head, while Spider just stood there, eyeing her as they waited for Lo'ak to answer.

"Alright, sure." he finally said, directing Spider's uncomfortable gaze away from her.

Niri'te nodded, making her way past the two boys as she headed in the direction of the labs.

The two quickly followed behind her, shoving each other and throwing teasing insults. They passed Kiri, who didn't seem to be doing anything. Her eyes skimmed over Niri'te and Lo'ak, settling on Spider in a fond gaze. Niri'te didn't understand her sister's affection for the human boy.

"Where you guys going?"

Niri'te didn't answer as she kept walking.

Lo'ak looked up. "We're going to the labs, Ri'te needs to go for her check-up."

Kiri looked at Niri'te, who was a bit ahead of the group and scrunched her nose. "Does she still go to those? I thought they stopped after they couldn't figure out whats wrong with her."

Kiri heard a growl. She looked back to see Lo'ak glaring at her, eyes bright in anger. "There's nothing wrong with her Kiri, you know that."

Kiri just raised a brow, "Have you seen her?" and went after Niri'te to the labs.

The two boys stood there, a little dumbfounded at the blatant cruelty displayed by the girl. Spider quickly shook himself and grabbed Lo'ak's arm, dragging the stunned boy after him.

The two caught up to the twins when they were coming up to the Avatar Zone, as the human scientists like to call it. It sat right in front of the entrance of the lab and was a total hassle to walk around, so everyone just passed right through the zone, much to the chagrin of the humans.

As the group was passing through, they saw Mr Norm brushing his teeth. "Hey kiddos," he said and whipped Spider with the towel that was around his neck.

"Your ass is mine," Spider warned.

"I'm right here!" Mr Norm retorted, spreading his arms out. "Oh and Ri'te, I'll be right with you inside."

Niri'te nodded at him, walking up the steps to the lab.

"Avatar Zone, walk around!" said a human engineer, Clarisse, annoyed at the blatant disregard the children showed as they walked past.

"We're 50 per cent Avatar so..." Lo'ak retorted as Kiri stuck her tongue out at the engineer.

"Sorry about them," Niri'te threw over her shoulder as she stepped into the lab.

(DISCONTINUED)Emrey- Survive || Avatar: The Way of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now