16. Dashi Run Run

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Girls...you might wanna know that your bikinis are missing"

I ambled around, to check if they have flown somewhere but they were nowhere to be found. My shirt was missing too.

"What in tarnation is that supposed to mean" Mona gawked at me covering her boobs with her hands.

"Yep that's right, that's how you girls are walking to the camp" they all were a giant ball of pure anger and if I did not shut up they'll gladly drown me and make it seem like I took my life.

"I am sure the guys are pranking us" wow, is she serious? If that's indeed the case then I got no further alternative other than cutting up off their penises. I had enough of their stunts.

"Don't worry, I'll go back and bring your clothes" I held off for them to say something.

"Well go then, what are you waiting for" snarled Emily making me flinch and sprint from there. Did I tell them to dive stripped, she speaks like it's my mistake, well maybe because I bully them. They deserve it though. My poor girls. I have to be quick, or they might freeze to death, it's getting unbelievably cold at midnight.

As soon as I go back, the guys are gonna get an earful and handful from me, I am gonna beat every single one of them with my own hands and legs.

I was halfway there when all of a sudden I was grabbed harshly, before I could cause a sound my mouth was squeezed by someone's fierce hand, then I was slammed on a tree, that's when I saw him, Luke.

My heart stopped thumping for a second, my eyes grew wider and I could sense my body freeze on the spot. I was thoroughly paralyzed.

"I told you to wait for me after the game didn't I"

"I don't have a choice if you are gonna disobey like this" his whispers weren't doing any good.

"Why don't you just leave me alone" I had the bravery and stability to question him.

"Why should I do that, if you want me to not tell everyone your dirty secret then do as I say" he smirks playing with the strand of my hair.

"You and Your clothes, can it be any sexier," he speaks out one final time before smashing his disgusting lips on mine. I attempt to get away from him, but it appears outlandish with all his strength over me.

His body crams against me making it hard to breathe. My hands were clasped, he had it gripped tightly over my head. I helplessly continue to shriek and whine and haul from him. I come back to my sense when he attempts to take off my panty, and with all my FORCE bite his neck, blooter his leg with my already hurt and swollen ankle and run off.

I limped faster, shuddering on my way to the camp which is nowhere in my sight. I could hear him rushing after me and his eldritch laugh which makes me tremble and certain will give me ephialtes.

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