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Name: Penelope Grace Barnes
Age: 15


Penelope is on a phone call with her dad.
"Promise me, Saturday night, you will come round and take a break from 'inventing'."Bucky said to his daughter
"I promise dad, but I have to go to school, I promised Peter I would meet him" she responded
"Ok I'll see you later doll, love you" he said, his voice a reflection of his words
"Love you too" she replied "now don't you have to go be some super hero or something, saving the day"
"Yeah, Sam is pulling up now" he said with a chuckle
"Ok, see you later and say hi to Uncle Sam for me"

She hangs up and goes to meet Peter

*bucky pov*
Bucky gets in the car with same and they head over to stark towers
"How's penny?" Sam asks
"She's alright, she is busy with school a lot lately,oh, and she also says hi"
"Well, i am the favourite uncle" he says with pride in his voice
"Your her only uncle" Bucky responded sarcastically

They get to stark towers and go to the 72nd floor where only the avenger, and there family and friends can go

"Hi guys!" Wanda says in a welcoming manner
"Morning" Bucky replied
"Hate to interrupt but stark called a meeting" Natasha said

They all go to the meeting room

"We have a mission" tony states "some weird disturbances that they want us to check, probably some stupid gang rivalry or something"
"Let's go then guys" Steve announces
"Follow the captain" Natasha says, a snicker crawling across her face
Everyone packs up and heads to where the mission is

*Penelope POV*
Penelope goes to meet Peter outside her apartment
"HEY PETE!" She shout and wave
He turns around and smiles, "hey pen" he says softly "you ok?"
They start to walk to school
"I'm good thanks you?"
"Fine I guess" he says sadly, as his best friend Penelope can tell something is wrong
"What's wrong, is being spidy boy getting hard?"
"Mr. stark, never lets me go on missions, he just treats me like a kid"
"Pete, you are a kid, you are 15 your hardly an adult"
"Last time I come to you for advice" he says jokingly
They arrive at school
"Hi Ned!" Penelope says
"Hello Penelope" he smiles
"Come on Penny we will be late for maths" Peter says
It's about half way through the day and Penelope is going to the bathroom and hears a gun shot, she runs outside to see people running around screaming, and she sees someone on the floor hurt and she runs to help. She sees the avengers. The little girl who had been injured, was bleeding so penny put pressure on it and started talking softly to the girl, telling her it will be ok.
Peter sees you outside the window and runs to Penelope to make sure she's ok.
"Mr Parker! Get back here." The teacher shouts as Peter runs out of the class

"PENNY" he shouts, just as a bullet hits her shoulder

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