Vanish pt. 2

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A moment of silence passed.

Riri stood frozen in place, shocked at her own words, knowing she didn't mean them.

Shuri sobbed on her knees, silently pleading for Bast to not take another person out of her life.

Hell, even Griot was quiet, not announcing your departure as he was programmed to do.

"What are you waiting for?" Shuri stood and approached Riri so quickly, the smaller girl flinched. "Why are you standing here? Go after her!"

"Shuri, I-"

"Go get her!" The Queen growled, voice cracking as she begged.

Riri's mouth opened and closed, her brain working double time for anything to say. "She-I didn't-"

Her responses weren't quick enough to extinguish Shuri's anger. The Black Panther lifted Riri's entire workstation in one hand and threw the table and all its contents.

Iron Heart ducked, praying the impact of the desk wouldn't take her head off. It didn't; it hadn't even hit her, instead crashing to the wall mere inches away from her body.

"Shuri, what the fu-"

But Shuri was already on her way out of the lab, ignoring Riri and shouting orders, "Griot!"

"Yes, My Queen?"

"Do I have any visuals on y/n's location?"

"No, My Queen. Queen Y/n has abandoned her kimoyo bracelet here in the lab."

"What about her earrings?"

"Left behind in your bedroom, Queen Shuri."

"FUCK," the explicit echoed in the lab, causing Riri to retreat into herself.

"Griot, summon Nakia, Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka. I need all hands for this mission. Tell them to meet me in the throne room."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Wait," Riri called out, grimacing at how small her voice suddenly sounded. "What can I do?"

The doors to the lab's entrance parted, letting Shuri leave without so much as opening her mouth to address Riri. The only sound then was that of dainty metal coming in contact with the steel floors.

Riri approached the door slowly to investigate what Shuri had left behind.

It was her wedding band.

"What is this about, My Queen?" Okoye asked, being the first to enter the throne room. Ayo and Aneka followed closely behind, their spears drawn at an unknown attacker.

Nakia was absent.

Shuri's eyes were still puddled with tears and the anger radiating from her produced a heat the other girls could feel as soon as they approached.

Aneka looked down at Shuri's hand, eyes searching for the wedding ring that never left it. Of course, it wasn't there.

"Y/n is gone. We need to bring her back."

"Gone?" Okoye mimicked. "Gone where? Who has taken her? What are we up against?"

"Sh-she left. She left us. Left behind her beads, even the earrings and her-"

"Her wedding band..." Aneka finished. "But, where is yours?"

Shuri looked down at her bare finger, unable to speak.

Vanish pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now