chapter thirty seven.

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Birdie loudly gasped, her eyes snapping open as her name echoed inside her head for a few seconds. Her eyes bored into the water-stained ceiling above her, panting as sweat trickled down the sides of her temples. Her skin felt clammy, her heart racing as she quickly lifted her head from her pillow to glance around her surroundings as if she thought it might've been changed.

The bland motel room just bored back at her, not a single thing out of place since she closed her eyes a few hours ago. The TV on top of the dresser in front of the bed was still turned on, playing a rerun of George Lopez. The flimsy curtains to her left were closed with just a sliver of light spilling through a crack in the middle; the only other source of light came from the bathroom as Birdie had purposely left the light on. There was some candy trash tossed on the bedside table, a few having fallen on the ground. There was a knocked-over beer bottle by the dusty lamp, five more unopened bottles still in the six-pack on the table by the kitchenette. Her phone was on the ground face up, a few missed calls and texts left unnoticed; somehow she didn't hear them in her sleep.

She let out a shaky breath, tiredly running her hands over her face as her head flopped back down on her pillow.

It was over a week after she and the boys faced the siren and the events were still fresh in Birdie's mind as if they happened mere hours ago.

She was doing perfectly okay since then, or at least that was what she kept telling herself and the others. It'd been a few weeks since she had any nightmares——which usually varied from one traumatic event to the next with a few that Birdie expected to have——but they started again after that night.

But with the recent ones, they all ended the same exact way: with Sam nearly killing Birdie by choking her.

There were little differences each time, something Birdie noticed after the third night. In the nightmares, Sam always became crueler, his words like poisonous venom that made Birdie feel as if her heart was breaking piece by piece with each word while the venom killed her from within. His nails dug into her neck, drawing more and more blood to trickle down while his grip just tightened like he was actually choking her. But his eyes were the most noticeable differences. They got darker with each nightmare, not a single glint of light shimmering in them like the way Birdie adored. If she had the nightmare again, she feared that his eyes might actually become b——

Birdie quickly shook her head, pressing her hands over her face as she tried to rid the memories from her mind. She purposely didn't tell anyone about the nightmares, especially Sam as she didn't want him to feel even more guilty than he already did. Felicity, of course, knew but there wasn't much Birdie could do about that. A few seconds later, Birdie dropped her hands down and puffed out her cheeks, gently running her fingers over her neck.

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