Characters and Arriving

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2016-Season 7 characters
Jemma Fitz-Simmons (Jemma)
Leopold Fitz-Simmons (Fitz-Simmons)
Daisy Johnson (Daisy)
Melinda May (Melinda)
Maria Hill

2004-Season 1 characters
Jemma Simmons (Simmons)
Leopold Fitz (Fitz)
Melinda May (May)
Grant Ward (Ward)

2016-Jemmas POV

Everyone is round to celebrate Alyas birthday I've never seen such a big smile on her face before.

"What's with that look on your face"
I spin round and see my sister in all but blood questioning me.
"Just thinking about everything that's happened recently and overall"
As Daisy went to respond she just passed out on the floor.
I started to help Daisy then I felt light headed and passed out myself but before I did I saw everyone else lay knocked out on the floor. Then it all went black.

2004-Simmons Pov

The silence is suffocating in the room waiting for when we have to leave. All of a sudden I started feeling really light headed and dizzy then as my visons go black I hear "SIMMONS!!!!!!"

Jemmas pov

My heads pounding and as I slowly open my eyes I see what looks like a cinema, as I slowly look around the room I see my old team passed out near me and when I look over the other side I paused. That was F*cking Grant Ward, I walk over and nick his gun from his hand and keep it aimed at him until from behind me I hear. "Jemma are you okay?"
I turn and see Mack stood there looking at me, I just ran over to him and hugged him while keeping the gun aimed at Ward.
"Do you know where we are Mack and is anyone else awake?"

"Everyone on our side is awake and it looks like we are in a movie theater, but why have you got a gun??"
"Because I can see a traitor and I am going to protect us all."
"Who have you seen?" I turn my head and see Melinda stood there watching me with everyone else.

"I've seen Ward,I'm not about to let the same thing happen to me and Fitz-Simmons again." I start shaking thinking about the memory, I just felt hands rest on my shoulder and a kiss on the head from of course Fitz-Simmons.
"He can't hurt us now Jemma"

"Who can't hurt you and why do you have a gun pointed at Ward?" I spin round and see younger me, Fitz-Simmons, Melinda, Daisy when she was Skye and Coulson all stood protectively around Ward.

"I have a gun pointed at Ward as he hurt me and someone I love a while ago and I don't want it to happen again."

"Everyone sit down please and introduce yourself including the year this is the only time you will hear off me"

" I'll start then  Jemma Fitz-Simmons 2016"
"Leopold Fitz-Simmons 2016"
"Daisy Johnson 2016"
"Melinda May 2016"
"Mack 2016"
"Maria Hill 2016"
"Fury 2016"
"Jemma Simmons 2014"
"Leopold Fitz 2014"
"Skye 2014"
"Agent Grant Ward 2014"
"Phil Coulson 2014"
"Melinda May 2014"

I sink gently into my seat after all the introductions it felt slightly alarming to be meeting us from the past.
"I guess we should begin then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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