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Imagine not liking part 4
Like bruh Josuke is the main character how can u not like it 😬

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

It was the next morning, and saying I was nervous was an understatement.
I didn't get much sleep (again), as I'd sat in bed being excited and also extremely nervous about Josuke's confession.
I didn't want to go to school.
However, this was not a matter of choice, and I knew he'd definitely get worried if I didn't show up.
So, I got ready, still in shock about the whole thing.
He likes me back.

I wasn't sure what to think of it.
Why did he like me back? Was it because I opened up to him more? Or was Yukako right, and him seeing me in a bikini made him realize his feelings for me?
No, he's not that horny.
...actually, he's a guy, so maybe he is..
I shook my head.
Whatever. Who cares why he likes me? I doubt he'd joke about something like this, he seemed so sincere... I'll have to talk with him about where to go from here. That's probably the mature thing to do...

I sigh, this is gonna be awkward.

.•❤︎•♡• Şຟēēt •♡•❤︎•.

I made my way into first period, glancing towards Josuke and Okuyasu, who were chatting about who knows what.
Upon noticing me, Josuke stopped talking, looking at me.
I blushed, looking down as I approached, sitting at my desk behind them.
Josuke turns to look at me, "{Y/n}, I... do you wanna walk home with me again...?"
I pause, looking down at my desk.
I guess there's no other way we'll get the privacy to talk about this...
As I was about to answer, Okuyasu, sweet but dense as he is, butts in, "Yeah, {Y/n}! You should totally walk with us."

Josuke gives Okuyasu a look, which Oku doesn't quite get, tilting his head innocently.
I blinked. Oh, I guess I forgot they usually walk home together. I nod, "Sure, that sounds fun."
Josuke frowns as Okuyasu cheers.
I hum, "Anyways, Okuyasu, Josuke told me you were sick from school yesterday. Are you ok?"
He grins, "Yeah, I'm fine! Between you and me, I just didn't feel like going, so I skipped."
I laugh, "Typical Okuyasu,"
Josuke didn't seem to think it was as funny, however.

Later, in History, I sat at my desk, looking at my phone as I waited for class to start.
Just then, Josuke sat down next to me, looking at me intently.
I look at him questioningly, "Josuke?"
Yeah, we're both in this class, but he sits halfway across the room from me. Why's he here?
"{Y/n}. Can you come over again today? Please?"
I blinked, looking around, hoping no one heard him say that, "Uhm, sorry, I don't think I can. I have a project due tomorrow, and I haven't finished, so..."
He sighs, "That's fine... just, can we at least talk before you go home?"
I nod.
I already know what this is about...
Oh, god. What if I have to explain to him that my parents don't actually like him?
If we dated, it'd have to be secret...
Not only that, but I'm pretty sure my sister likes him too.
We'd have to be discreet at school, too, so she doesn't find out and out us...

I frown.
"Are you ok?..." Josuke asks, looking a little concerned.
"O-oh, yeah, I'm fine. Let's just... talk about it after school."
He nods, looking a little worried. What if she has bad news? As in, like... we can't be together?
I know she likes me back, but is that enough..?

I sighed as Josuke went back to his normal seat, resting my head on my hand.
I don't know if I should be happy or scared right now...

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