Day Six

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Our sixth day together, Saturday, was definitely the only one Katherine hadn't planned for.

My mom had been yelling at me about my hair and skipping school. She had finally checked her voicemail and found out that I had missed nearly every day of the last week.

"You need to think about your future-" my mom yelled just as there was a knock at the door.

I remember my stomach sinking because I thought it was Katherine coming at the worst time possible.

Even if it had been Katherine, my mom wouldn't let me leave the house. I was certain I would be on lockdown till college, my mom was so mad.

But when my mom opened the door it wasn't Katherine standing on the other side.

Standing in our doorway was a mid-aged man, a guy who looked a bit older than me, and one of the girl's from the hallway the other day.

"Good morning, Sheriff." My mom greeted the plain-dressed man in confusion.

If my stomach was in knots before I swear it only became more tangled as the man smiled at my mom.

"Sorry to interrupt like this. My daughter, Bridget, insisted we talk to your son. Can we come in?" The man asked, glancing over at the girl from the hallway when he mentioned his daughter.

And that's how I learned not only Bridget's name but that her dad was the sheriff.

I remember my mom inviting them in as she asked what it was they needed. And, the man ignored her question and instead introduced the guy with them as his son Craig who was back in town on his spring break.

I remember even back then I thought Craig looked like a douche. Craig's jaw was locked in a silent rage.

"Is James in some type of trouble?" My mom had asked as she shot me a look. We were all sitting in the living room.

"No-" the man started but Bridget cut him off, "Yes, I know he had something to do with it. He had to have helped her!" Bridget yelled.

Her face was red in anger.

At the time though, I had no idea what she was so mad about.

"I don't appreciate you coming into my house to accuse my son of doing something wrong without explaining what the problem is. Do you have proof it was James?" My mom asked back instantly in her protective mom mode.

"Let's all come down. We didn't come here to accuse anyone of anything, we just have some questions." The Sheriff said, trying to defuse the situation.

Everyone settled down. My mom instructed them to ask whatever it was they needed.

"Were you with Katherine last night?" Craig asked first.

It was a struggle to keep my face natural. "Why?" I asked back, not revealing anything.

"Because last night, someone-" Craig started to answer. "It was Katherine, we all know it. No one else had a reason to do that!" Bridget snapped, interrupting him.

Craig gave his sister a nasty look, shutting her up. "Someone vandalized all the cars in our driveway," Craig admitted.

"Well, it wasn't me. I don't even know where you guys live." I remember saying and I remember everyone giving me a look like I was dumb as soon as I said it. Even my mom looked at me funny.

"We literally live next door," Bridget sneered at me.

I don't know how I hadn't noticed sooner.

"Well, like I said I didn't do it," I repeated.

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