~》Chapter 1《~

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As usual sun was getting ready for the opening of his own coffee shop! It was his first day since the new coffee shop opening, he was really excited as he cleaned the brand new tables, counters, plates, and silverware. After he was done, whit a bright smile on his face he waited behind the counter for customers. 'It was 8:06 the shop just opened.... don't worry sun.. the dear costumers will be here soon!' He thought as he kept his smile on. After a while an old lady entered the coffee shop.

Sun was at the back cleaning and packing things when he heard the little bell ranging. He quickly turned back to the door and ran out "H-Hello miss! What can I get for you?" He smiled brightly, he was a little nervous 'calm down sun! It's just an old grandma! She will probably order something odd' he smiled. The old lady looked around, she had a sweet smile on as she looked at sun "...a... chocolate cake.. please!" She said slowly, and nicely. Sun nodded as he grabbed a bag and gently placed the chocolate cake into it, he then puts it on the counter and smiles "that will be.... 2.67$!" He smiled (I don't know how much does a cake cost--) the old lady nodded and pulled her wallet out and began to count, sun watched and waited patiently

"...." after a while the lady FINALLY got all the money and handed it to sun, sun happyly took it and give the old lady back the rest "thank you for coming miss!" He smiled and waved goodbye to her, but the old lady didn't moved she looked at sun "oh you.." she smiled "your such a sweet young boy!" She gently shook sun hand before leaving the shop "....." Sun just stood there, he was very confused "...what?..." He then quickly shook it off, he went to the back as he sighed "will this work?.... I don't know..." He held his face as he groaned "I don't even had more than 1 costumer?!" He gripped his rays then sighed deeply "sun! Get yourself together!.. this is only your first day! Everything will get better!" He smiled and got up, just when his phone pinged "Hm?" He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it "a message?" He opened

[Y/N: Heeeey suun! How does the work go?]
Oh, it's Y/N! I didn't see them in a long time!

[Heey Besty! Well today I had only 1 costumer so far- but I don't give up yet!]

[Y/N: That's my best friend! I know you wouldn't give up so far!] Heh... yeah.. that was not what I thinked about some seconds ago..

[Awwe! Thank you!]

[Y/N: I whis you luck! But i have to go- I just got a new boyfriend :)) I need to give him attention before he gets grumpy!]
Oh? Another one? I hope it's finally the one..

[Oh? Really? Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!] Happy?.. really sun?.. you are just scared that y/n will get broken again.. and you can't be there whit them this time.

[Y/N: Yeah! He's so good to me! I think he is the one sun! HES THE ONE!!] Hehe.. I can hear them screaming whit joy.

[Oh? Well may I know their name? I might know them!] Hm.. I hope not.

[Y/N: well! It's Eclipse! And they are wonderfully!] Wait what..

Sun stared at that message Eclipse, he reads its again Eclipse, and again Eclipse. It didn't change at all. There's no way... how did them.. they can't be...

[Y/N: sun? You there?]
[O-Oh! Yeah! Just got another costumer! Have to go see ya!]
[Y/N: oh! Well good luck!]

Sun placed the phone back to his pocket "eclipse..." He was lost in his thoughts "it can't be...." He then jumped as he heard the little bell on the counter ring "c-coming!" He was shocked when he walked back, a long long line was waiting there "...oh my...." there were lots of couples waiting, and family's who wanted their cakes, and ofc old grandmas, grandpa's, who were waiting for their next cake as well.

Sunrise had a long time serving all of them, he was just rushing to the right then the left for the customer, cakes, drinks, and other sweets. Some of the taked seats at tables to finish their cakes some of the leaved.

Soon he finished, the long line was gone, he was already tired, hungry, and thirsty. He just sighed as he smiled and waited behind the counter.

He then looked around the shop "no one... is want anything right now... everyone is served.. maybe.. I can drink a little.. and relax.." He talked to himself as he smiled, he searched around for something to drink, he didn't liked coffee that much to drink that right now, soon he found a bottle of water at the back, he walked back to the counter and sat down on the chair, he sighed in relief as he finally could relax a little, he slowly opened the bottle and drinked the nice and cold water out of it

when he heard the bell ring again, he sighed and placed the water bottle away and got up "welcome... what can i get for.... you..." He stared at the person, he was mysterious, he had a black coat on himself witch was in his head.. it looked like he was.. bald?.. anyways he had a black pants on him and a shoe, his half face was white the other dark blue, his eyes were red as his teeth were sharp "one cappuccino please...." He said, witch made sun snap out of his thoughts "o-ofc!.." He turned around right away to do it. While that the person pulled his wallet out getting ready to pay, sun noticed that that he had a notebook under his hand along whit a pen on the middle of his hoodie, just hanging there "Hmm... weird.."

Sun soon was done and served the costumer "Okay..  that will be... 1.76$ please.." the person nodded and handed sun the money, sun pust it into the chaiser, and looked around "huh?..." the mysterious man already took a seat. Next to one of the window where he cannot face everyone, he placed the coffee down and opened his notebook, sun watched curiously, the person began to write.. or draw.. sun couldn't see it perfectly duo he was far away from the counter. "..Hmmm..." He sighed before he saw another couple entering the shop "well at lest... my shop blow up.." He giggled before he began to serve them.

After some hours it was around closing time, sun began to clean the tables around. He then saw the mysterious person still doing something whit his notebook, the coffee empty now. He sighed "come on sun..." He slowly walked over and gently taps the table

"Hey uhm... sir?... I'm sorry to disturb your peace.. but the shop will close soon.." He said softly looking at him, the guy slowly looked up "oh?.. okay.." He closed his notebook and stood up, sun backed away and watched him. The guy grabbed his empty cup and his notebook and pen and walked to the trash can, he dropped the cup into it and turned around to sun "have a good night..." He waved to him before leaving. Sun just stood there "......" He was so confused "what just... happened?...." He shrugged it off "...w-weird..."

After a while he finished, he cleaned the shop sparkling clean! He packed his things and went home. He placed his stuff down on the desk and went to take a shower, after that he went to change and layed down on the bed "....." He was up for a while before he falled asleep

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