𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. the rebel twins

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seventeen. the rebel twins

            A NEW STAR IN THE SKY. Jake and Neytiri's fear had come alive—the sky people had returned to Pandora. Having a family caused more stress and responsibility on the two as parents. The parents constantly worried about their children and where they were going to go together as they watched their home being burnt to the ground. Anger fueled Jake's veins, remembering back to when he held Juniper in his arms as she watched her home being destroyed by the same people that took her life away.

      Except now, it wasn't Juniper he was holding, but his mate. Holding her as she sobbed and mourned the loss of her home that she had grown to love just like Hometree. It had been a while since they were forcefully moved to High Camp within the mountains. Now his family had come to a total of five when his youngest was born years ago.

      It was difficult for all of them to move from where they had grown up to a place where they had to start from scratch. The loyal scientists that were sky people, accepted as Omaticaya, moved with them to the mountains, claiming it as their base. Frequently, warriors of the clan had to go out and protect Pandora from the humans attempting to inhabit the world as their own, aiming to kill the home of Na'vi as they had done with Earth. And Jake, as Toruk Makto and a father, wasn't going to allow that to happen.

      Jake was going to protect his family with everything he had in him, no matter the consequences. And he was to learn from his past mistakes just as Juniper told him to. If not for him but for his family. Sully's stick together is what he always said and would say to the end of time. At times like this, when waiting to let out the signal for the Na'vi gathered to attack the sky people, Jake was glad his family was back at home ( except for the twins and eldest son who begged to go on the mission ), and Juniper was at peace rather than war.

      The Olo'teykan finally gave the signal, and the place where the incoming train came in on the tracks the sky people had built was filled with Na'vi warriors on delihorses and ikran zooming by. Battle cries echoed through the air, arrows shooting from every direction you were to look as the tracks that the train drove on were destroyed and set ablaze. The machinery rolled through the air, digging into the soil of Pandora as it landed.

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