[One Shot]

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Every time it's the same thing.

You try to do the best you can, to make people better, the world better. You try to share your knowledge, to help others, to push them to be more respectful and understanding.

Unfortunately, no one is receptive. None of your friends even bother to listen to you.

"Sorry doll, just, um... I have something to do, but I'll talk to you later!"

Rufioh gives you that forced smile you've become accustomed to. He leaves without waiting for your answer, hurrying away from you and your sanctimonious speeches.

There will be no "later". No one ever comes back. The only way they'll pick up a conversation with you is when they run into you by mistake and try to listen to you for a few minutes out of politeness, before finding an excuse to run away.

Every time it's the same thing.

You stand there, naive and stupid. Hopefully, this time he'll come back. You want to trust Rufioh, to tell yourself that for once he won't do the same to you. So you wait, with this meager and stupid hope. You wait, but the minutes pass with excruciating slowness.

You decide to leave when an hour has passed.

History repeats itself every day.

"Hey chief, quick question!"

Cronus is the only one who deigns to engage you in conversation. He likes to complain to you, and you like to listen to him. If it makes him happy, if it keeps him from being hurt like you are, then you are happy to listen and advise him.

Why can't others be like you? Why can't they be patient, listen and be understanding?

But today, Cronus is not complaining. He comes to ask a favor of you:

"You're the one who taught Meulin and Kurloz sign language, right? Can you teach me?

- I'd be happy to Cronus, I'm pleasantly surprised that you'd want to learn such a thing.

- That's going to win me points with Meulin!"

You're tensing up. Yes, of course, what did you expect?

You sigh:

"Really Cronus? Another fixation on quadrants? You know, you don't need quadrants to be happy, and pushing too hard with people will just..."

He cuts you off with a nonchalant wave:

"Rah, it's okay Kank', I know! Just teach me!"

You look at him and for a brief moment you are tempted to refuse:

"It's rude to cut people off when they speak, I expect an apology before I accept anything."

He rolls his eyes:

"Oh, okay, sorry. So, you're teaching me?"

He doesn't care that he hurt your feelings.

You're a mature troll, so you say nothing. You nod your head, because you know you won't get any better from him.

But of course, even when you are doing a favor, not everyone likes it.

Kurloz comes to you some time later, looking angry, which worries you. Kurloz is not without emotion, but it is rare to push him to the point where he lets his anger explode. Has someone hurt him? You hasten to ask:

"Kurloz, is everything okay?"

He barely lets you finish your sentence: he suddenly raises his hand, a sign that you should keep quiet, and this surprises you so much that your words die in your throat. He starts to sign with annoyance, it's quick, erratic, but you decipher it despite that:

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