The Dream - Chapter 1

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It was 4 am when the elevator landed on Steve's floor. Loud bangs and curses echoed in the quiet hallway. Steve sat at the small eat in kitchen table reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee. After getting the serum, Steve didn't need as much sleep as a normal person and often found himself to be the first one awake. Tony stumbled into the small kitchen, his eyes landing on Steve.

"Cap! I've been looking everywhere for you" Tony said plopping into the chair opposite to Steve. Steve didn't move keeping his paper up covering his face, but he could smell the alcohol.

"I've been thinking, we should all get matching butt tattoos!" Tony said giggling hunched over in his seat. Steve folded over the corner of the paper giving Tony a questioning look. Steve tried to remember the last time he saw Tony, had it really been over a week? Tony looked terrible, the bags under his eyes were swollen and he looked like he hadn't showered in days. Steve knew Tony would be crashing soon, but he needed to know just how bad thing have been.

"Jarvis, protocol burnout" Steve said continuing to read his paper. He figured Tony would wear himself out and Steve could carry him to his floor once he was asleep.

"Right away Captain Rogers" Jarvis said. Tony looked from Steve to the ceiling, anger flashing on his face.

"What is protocol burnout" Tony asked. Jarvis stayed silent. Steve flipped to the next page of the paper ignoring Tony.

"Jarvis, what is protocol burnout. Who authorized a new protocol?" Tony yelled. There was a slight hesitation from Jarvis.

"Sir, the burnout protocol was authorized by Miss Potts. It can only be initiated by Miss Potts or Capitan Rogers and requires that you get 8 hours of sleep and eat one meal before being allowed back in the workshop." Jarvis said. Steve finally put the newspaper down so he could see Tony's face. The look of shock on Tony's face was slowly replaced by anger as Jarvis's words set in.

"What? No, I have work to do. Jarvis, override" Tony said standing and walking to the elevator.

"Sir, unfortunately..." Jarvis started,

"I said override Jarvis, this is my building" Tony interrupted stepping into the elevator and pressing the button for his workshop. Steve got up from the table and walked over to the elevator.

"Tony, you can't override this. It was put in place to help you. Just go to your floor and go to bed" Steve said finally speaking directly to Tony, annoyed.

"Leave me alone Cap, I have work to do" Tony said pressing the buttons for his workshop, the garage, and the main floor. Anything to get away from Steve's look of worry and disgust. Tony knew he could really use some sleep, but he wanted it to be on his terms, not something that was decided for him. He wasn't a baby that needed to be taken care of by Steve or Pepper or anyone.

"I'm sorry Sir, when protocol burnout is in place you are only allowed to go to the communal floor, your floor, or Capitan Rogers floor" Jarvis said. Tony punched the elevator buttons before slumping down on his knees. The last thing Tony wanted was everyone to see him like this and give him the same look Steve was. At least there was more alcohol on his floor Tony thought.

"C'mon Tony, you came up here talking about butt tattoos. How much work could you really have?" Steve said stepping into the elevator with Tony and pressing the button to his floor. The ride was silent. When the doors opened Steve stepped out. Tony stood up and pressed the button to this workshop one last time before exciting the elevator.

"Would you like a drink Cap?" Tony asked walking to his fully stocked bar flashing a big cocky smile. The look of disapproval from Steve made his stomach churn and he looked away while he poured his drink. If he couldn't drink in his workshop at least he could here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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