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                      Ruby's diary

'Choose your weapon, know your enemy and then strike. A map to every war won. These three elements are the major ingredients to surviving an attack but even better for killing one. Our lives before Midviel were pretty much target acquired, kill, Destroy. Job well done now we are basically an underground assassin crew with a full proof plan that includes high tech, weapons, blueprints and time. Money is a good thing to have when you have nothing to do except enact revenge. Kidding just kidding. Money has its positiveness but for us it's an ice breaker to what we need to do. A way to bring us closer to reaching our goal. Securing our people what believers call peace.'

"A Chinese noodle and sushi shop from a whole ass Walmart, Marcus is downgrading." Ruby mocks staring at the insta picture from Dean's phone. The photo was of a man dressed in a white t-shirt and a black Adidas short with hands in akimbo smiling in front of a red and gold decorated Chinese themed shop hidden in an alley. Marcus, a black-market dealer of firearms and other new tech the world barely has in the actual market. Marcus was part of the crew moving city to city helping the group kill off the beasts that killed his wife and one month old baby. Two weeks of them moving into Midviel, Marcus followed. Just like the family of three he needed a cover up. The Chinese noodle shop was the best he could come up with in the small city. "I hate sushi, the taste of raw fish is like fleas to a dog on my tongue. Here is an idea why don't they just feed it to the dogs." The insult earns a glare from his sister considering the fact that the 'D' word has been used countless times to insult her each time they faced a vampire. "Sorry I meant the sharks, the should feed them to the sharks." The walk towards the shop was getting narrower as they enter a narrow alley, the whole time they took a turn Ruby felt that annoying feeling of someone lingering behind her like a shadow. She stops closing her eyes darting up on the tall buildings surrounding them not seeing a thing. Since sight was not to be considered helpful for spotting whoever was watching them other senses were needed. Despite her hearing not being as strong as it's meant to be she can still trust it enough. She searches through the air for any heartbeats, shuffling of feet, stamping of shoes, even grazing of a body along the walls. There she caught it though barely loud enough as she is used to in her wolf form. If only she could turn to the full power of her wolf she could tell how far and how fast.

Then there it was growing closer and louder. At this range she could distinguish how many they were and their pin point direction. The shuffling of feet not one but several approximately six above them, jumping from roof to roof, keeping their distance. "Someone's following us actually six, Top building." "Distance?" Mick inquires. "Exactly three buildings from where we are standing. "They are keeping together." "Split and be careful." Dean instructs. The two nod each taking a path of their own.

"How did this happen again?" Derrick inquires again tired from all the mumbling Duncan fed him for the past one hour since he got there. "Is it not evident, his brain melted to porridge, his eyes water and throat filled with smoke and cinder. Why do you need me to keep saying that..." "Because you are not saying anything I need. Who did William piss off which witch am I supposed to question?" Duncan remains quiet staring at the dead body trying to go through his memories like a librarian looking for books on a shelf. Nothing, no memory of any conflicts of his colleagues with any of the Midviel witches. William used his energy to bully only the humans 30% of the time and they are as harmless as a housefly to them and the other 70% he spent hating Derrick. "No William has been good ever since that unspoken day. You should know that judging by how messed up he should have been after watching you drive a sword through his father's chest."Again that song with a repeatable chorus like a worship hymn.

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