(Youu @ the Top )
Hi, my name Y/N im 17 years old. Im from New Orleans (Ayyeee Turnn Awpp). I have a little brother name Chaston he's 15 (Yupp Broo Pullinn Too)...We stay with my mother and our step dad & soon his son. Ik yall maybe wondering where our father is but well my father died wenn Chaston turned 10...He died in a car crash on his way home from the army... I MISS Him dearly ....Well i love animals except reptiles. My fav color is Bluee. Im mixed with African-American && Indian.. I lovee children..Im Hellaa Crazyy Immaa Fighter trust Mee && Dnt Mess wiff Mee Nor Fam Causeee Trust && Believe Mee I will make yoo lifee live in hell as soon as iGet through Beatinn Yaa Ahh... Anyways Diss Nicca Bettaa Be Finee wenn he arriveIk it wasnt that Gurdd but i hoped youu liked it
My Step-brother
RandomEveryone has their own lover... Have you ever fallen for someone that frustrates you all the time? Is it a strange love to you or does it juss have you feelin some type of way