the first day with you

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"Zoe!" My mom was screaming my name from the kitchen...."ughh whats with that angry voice"I was thinking.I went down stairs and went straight to the kitchen,"do'nt you have an art class today? Why are you so late?" My mom yelled,"you dont have to yell at me,I can take care of my self,I still got a few minute anyway dont worry...." My mom was making me breakfast so i went to the bathroom to clean up.I was'nt exited at all,our teacher told us to paint somthing from our imaginary...I could'nt drew well if without refrences, "I'll try best right?",i said to my self.

I went off to my class.My teacher introduced us to a new student Rumelo,,.I went to say hi to him, he was nice, my bestfriend (bella) and Rumelo already known each other so we instantly warmed up to each other,we hang out everyday and paint together.Sometimes when i see bella and el so close i got this kind of feelings,"am I jelous?"I said to my self in disgust.Noway,but the more I try to convinced myself,but the more i try the more I think of him."God! I cant forget about him,Its already midnight let me sleep......" I cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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