Relationships in Game of Thrones

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*Acknowledgements and Notes*

Hi, I'm writing this to relieve your frustration about who you want to together. Some relationships you may not agree with, but oh well. My writing will never match up to George R.R. Martin's but I'm going to give it a go. 

I don't care about the ages, I just want certain people together. The relationships do change. For example, Ned and Catelyn may be together in one chapter, and later on it could be Ned and Wylla.

They aren't based on certain books and they aren't in chronological order. Most will have no relation to the books whatsoever apart from characters and some back story. 

I want to thank all my friends that put up with my constant geeking about Game of Thrones. So...

Thanks to Faigi, Izzy, Courtney and Flora.

And thanks to my cats :D 

Relationships in Game of ThronesWhere stories live. Discover now